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Great chip dude. Is this on chilled water?

Mine seems also stable in 5200 range with less than 1.4v with EK360 but for benching 5250-70 max and some non-heavy loads like superPi only possible up to 5300 no matter of the voltage...it's like hitting the wall after 5250. Not delidded still... :)


Hi !


Delid is needed here :-) iam hitting 100c after delid with this voltage to get it over 5.4, without delid it will be on 125 maybe... (in real it dont let you go there) -- iam using Grizzly Conductonaut on die.. But if you plan to go subzero, dont use it - kryonaut or kingpin blue should be better on subzero.

Posted (edited)

Ye, ye for the paste I know...

What are you other setting for 5400 voltages etc. LLC

I hardly hit a wall after 5250 although i can use ring and blc synced to over 5200 reduced it to x51 and even x50 no go.

The other 8700k i have was overclocking the same but bus was much worse not getting over x48@101.5 Cache although was also benching in this 52xx Mhz regions.


Edit: Don't think its thermal related as barely exceeding 70* During CB15 and 20 Mhz more are not going to happen even lower multi and higher BLK a hard wall...tried up to 1.47volts:mad:

*read the bold part reverse :)


Edited by DStealth

Higher cache also consumes more Vcore, so stay below 4,8 and you will be able to go higher on CPU -> good for some benches, but not for all - specialy XTU scales with cache but main gain is up to 4,7 i think.. (giving less and less points on higher)


For this posted result VCORE is on 1,535 and LLC7 - it can do 5,35 on way lower voltage, so 5.41 is total max for this benchmark on water...

Posted (edited)

Will try with reduced cache today evening...hope it helps...but it's very strange behavior even if it consumes Vcore sub 1.4v benches 5260 all i throw...but unfortunately 10-20Mhz higher are BSODing almost instantly even 1.47/8v (tried in small increments) up to them...

Edited by DStealth

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