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Question about Reference Frequency Rules


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Hello everybody,
a bench buddy (Gigelz) and I had our P5E3 Premium / WIFI-AP @n motherboards under LN2 this weekend.
We used a pretested E8600 CPU from Gigelz.
All motherboards were tested with this CPU.
First, we tested the motherboards of Gigelz while we have set up a new FSB clock record for the P5E3.

Immediately afterwards we tested my P5E3.
At the same time I reached a similar score like Gigelz before with his motherboard.
We think that the motherboards did not reach its limit, but the CPU was at its end.

But now we ask ourselves if I may upload my result to the Max FSB of the P5E3 motherboard, or if this would count towards the hardware sharing because the same CPU was used.
The benchmark is really just about the motherboard and about reaching the best possible FSB.

Unfortunately we could not find anything in the list of rules. Here, only the GPU and the CPU are discussed.




Can someone of the officials please comment on whether or not I can upload my result?

Thank you very much and greetings

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So, you share a motherboard at a motherboard benchmark and this is correct? We talk about reference clock here, the mainboard is the factor that is awarded points. The cpu at this case is like memory, used to make the result happen but not what gets points and cups. You are an excellent judge, but maybe you should think about this again...

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Hello websmile, NO we did not use the same motherboard.

We tested two different P5E3 from Gigelz and my P5E3 motherboard. In total 3 Boards!

The motherboard from Gigelz and mine have different batch numbers (of the NB.)


Gigelz two boards have the same batchnumber on the NB and the batchnumber of my board's NB is completely different.

We only shared his E8600 CPU because we were sure this CPU allows a high FSB to able testing the NB on the Motherboard.


We are fair and honest bencher. Because of this I first post the question about sharing a CPU and did not directly abload my result from the bench.


But now I am totally confused…Leeghoofd said it’s not allowed as it’s a 2D bench and now you confirm my point of view.


10 hours ago, websmile said:

...We talk about reference clock here, the mainboard is the factor that is awarded points. The cpu at this case is like memory, used to make the result happen but not what gets points and cups. You are an excellent judge, but maybe you should think about this again...


This is my opinion, too. We did a motherboard bench. In this case, the Mainboard is awarding points.

Not the CPU. The CPU is like memory, used to make the result happen nothing more!

Its similar to bench a big GPU under LN2. I need a Powerful PSU to run the GPU Bench possible.

If I don't have a powerful PSU the benchmark will not finish and crash or whatever.


Regarding your post it seems to me that everything is within the rules and I may upload my results


Sorry for my bad english

Edited by Eisbaer798
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  • 2 years later...
On 6/9/2021 at 3:25 AM, Antinomy said:

Ok, but im need working version, because "Do not shows this bus frequansy in version cpu-z 1.37 https://hwbot.org/submission/611607_smile_777_cpu_frequency_pentium_mmx_166mhz_238.5_mhz/"

You can for me do rename that page https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/tx97_xe/

Add here - beetween tx97 & xe as that https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/tx97-e/ .

Edited by liq_met
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21 minutes ago, liq_met said:

Ok, but im need working version

Here's a working one - you use latest CPU-Z (or CPU-Z vintage) version for submitting frequency reference scores and you back off from peoples old results that aren't obviously bugged.

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