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Hi boys...


I have a strange problem with my mboard or my cpu, I don't know what is the problem!

I have use a 2600K for some benchs with ram in slot dual channel red with no problem but now when I start the system I have 55 error code with the ram in dual channel slot red. I have try the other slot black and nothing, error code 55. The system boot only in single channel mode. I try the same ram with a 3570K and the sistem start regular in dual channel mode slot red. What is the problem? It's 2600K ram controller died?



Guest John Lam

55 always the memory problem, check your socket pin near the memory dimm.

Same as my 3570K, only sigle channel work and PCI-E #1 won't work. I guess imc half dead:(


Today I try another time with single module of ddr in every slot and the ram run only in third and fourth slot, black and red together = single channel. On slot one and two (black and red) i have 55 error code. I try with an other motherboard but I think is the memory controller at this time. What do you think ?

If physically no damage on CPU, no problem with RMA.


The CPU run with memory in slot three e four, I don't think CPU is dameged. Can you tell me the process to do RMA? I'm in Italy. Thanks


I have the same problem with error code 55 but on a 3570K and biostar tz77 hi-fi.The problem is that i receive this code each time i set the memory higher than 2133,no matter if single,dual channel,timings or voltages,so i guess it's mobo related.


Could a ivy bridge have an IMC so bad that it won't do anything higher than 2133?It can do 2133 with default SA and VCCIO,however higher nothing works.Memories are samsung eco's 1600 so they are capable of much higher freq.


Probably is the ram the problem. Are they 100% compatible with the mboard? Have you try other timings as CAS 9, 10, 11 for frequencies higher 2133mhz? I don't think your 3570K has so bad IMC


Code 55 is memory related - that's true... however, you can get that whenever you have DIMM slot, memory or CPU (because of the IMC) problem... Since your memory is working with an another CPU, I suspect the IMC...


When you checked the socket pins, did you take a look on the bottom of the CPU? Sometimes the socket pins shows pretty normal, but you can see a difference on the CPU, on those connectors at the bottom of it...


Whenever you're replacing/remounting the CPU cooler, be sure that you're tightening it correctly! Uneven pressure is causing frequently code 55...


Yes i checked everything,cpu proper in socket,memory does not work above 2133 either single or dual channel,either slot.2133 9-10-10 fully stable at 1.5,anything above 2133 get's 55,no matter what cas 11,12,13 etc.Guess it's the cpu itself,it's a terrible clocker too,needs 1.35 for 4.5 and won't go above 4.7 on air for a bench no matter what :D

Code 55 is memory related - that's true... however, you can get that whenever you have DIMM slot, memory or CPU (because of the IMC) problem... Since your memory is working with an another CPU, I suspect the IMC...


When you checked the socket pins, did you take a look on the bottom of the CPU? Sometimes the socket pins shows pretty normal, but you can see a difference on the CPU, on those connectors at the bottom of it...


Whenever you're replacing/remounting the CPU cooler, be sure that you're tightening it correctly! Uneven pressure is causing frequently code 55...



I have checked all this things but the socket pins and slot ram are in order. I try yo check the cpu but I think is 2600K IMC the problem at this time.

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