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Everything posted by PizzaMan

  1. Anyway HWbot staff can manually update the submissions from the above two contestants?
  2. Should have been press before the event, since there apparently was live stream coverage ......
  3. What's the deal, ASUS has an OCing competition and there's like almost zero coverage of it? http://rog.asus.com/191372012/overclocking/asus-open-overclocking-cup-kiev-ukrane/
  4. Spent a couple hours trying to figure this out today. Finally got it installing using the Z77 6.0Gb/s sata plugs. All the other ports gave the 7B error.
  5. ^^^Agreed. Pay the people you owe for your bad trading practices!
  6. It might be longer then you're use to, but it's my first video project. Don't hate to much EDIT: Fixed resolution and made as single video instead of four.
  7. Took forever to upload, but here are the pictures from the event and OC workshop the day after. Video is almost done. Coming soon. http://photobucket.com/MSI_MOA_2012_OCN EDIT: Updated OCTV's aftermovie to their coverage links as well.
  8. For twitter updates during the event follow: @pizzamanocn @overclockingtv @overclocknet @HWbot @msiUSA Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
  9. Updated with official rules of engagement.
  10. Updated team Mipmap. JJJC will be taking Pro's spot due to illness. Hope you get well soon Pro.
  11. Think I got everything updated. Added OCTV's trailer to the OP as well. Instead of added an additional stream to the mix, OCN is teaming in with OCTV's live stream.
  12. Updated the OP with confirmed teammates attending the event.
  13. The hottest Steel Lover battle begins, vote for your favorite Steel Lover!!! http://www.msi-moa2012.com/ Hit the English button in top right
  14. Yeah, just got that email from MSI. There was some miscommunication about live streaming. Still not sure who is doing the streaming though. I would be glad to add links to any other media coverage for this event. Just let me know and I'll add them. An update: The event venue is National Taiwan University's Sport Center.
  15. Started the press coverage thread. http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=54264
  16. Video by MSI Video by OCTV Video by Vivi MSI has been so gracious to give me the opportunity to offer press coverage for MSI's largest competition of the year. The Master Overclocking Arena finals in Taipei Taiwan on September 28th 2012. Press coverage will consist of recorded video with interviews of the competitors and MSI staff, along with live updated pictures from the event. MSI will be hosting a live stream of the event. PizzaMan and Kip69 from Overclock.net will be joining Trouffman and xyala via OCTV's live stream ABOUT MSI MASTER OVERCLOCKING ARENA "The MSI Master Overclocking Arena (MOA) is hallowed battleground for global overclocking masters. Every year MSI invites worldwide overclocking gurus, through on-line or on-site qualifications, for a high-tech showdown. Equipped with today's most powerful computers, each invited master challenges the limit of their equipment with their excellent overclocking technique, to win the honor of being crowned the worldwide overclocking master. These overclocking masters break world records under close watch of global media and fellow overclocking enthusiasts. MSI has achieved notable milestones in the field of extreme overclocking. Apart from the players-focused annual MOA contest, many other overclocking events are also hosted online or on-site to break worldwide overclocking records. The globally watched MOA competition has become the flagship of these overclocking competition series." Quoted from MSI's MOA site I'm here to say that this event is very much closely watched by most competitive overclocking teams, as we route for our top overclocking teammates who spend loads of time and money overclocking MSI motherboards and graphic cards in attempts to make it to the finals in Taiwan. Weather or not they are MSI fans, overclockers from around the world watch as their teammates take the year's top-end hardware to its limits. The event just seems to get better and better each year as MSI is dedicated to continuing to improve their products, and here is their gift to the overclocking community a stringent competition with awesome prizes throughout the qualifying rounds and free trips to the top overclockers in the world to the finals in Taipei Taiwan. DATE: September 28th 2012 Location: National Taiwan University's Sport Center, Taipei, Taiwan Confirmed hardware for competition: Intel® Core™ i7-3960X Processor Extreme Edition Kingston HyperX Genesis DDR3-2400 2GBx4 Thermaltake® Toughpower XT Platinum 1275W Keyboard: Tt® eSPORTS Challenger Mouse/Pad: Tt® eSPORTS AZURUES / PYRRHUS Big Bang X79 Xpower II GTX 680 Lightning 2012's MOA confirmed qualifying competitors: MOA 2012 AM Qualifier Winners List: Splave & Romdominance: United States; Team_USA Rbuass & Hazzan: Brazil; Fusion Overclocking Team gnidaol & Overheat: Brazil; Loading CFX5BR MOA 2012 EMEA Qualifier Winners List: Xtreme Addict & Piwor: Poland; Xtreme Team T0lsty & cyclone: Ukraine; XtremeLabs.org ryba (PurePC.pl) & Joanna: Poland; ASD Crew Aristidis & Stelaras: Greece; HwBox Hellas O/C Team Smoke (aka OClab.ru) & 12: Russian Federation; Team Russia MOA 2012 APAC Qualifier Winners List: I.R.I.S & Lucky_n00b: Indonesia; JagatReview.com SniperOZ & Deanzo: Australia; Team.au SOOGE (aka johnlam_OPB_ , aka UncleFester) & JJJC: Australia; Team Mipmap oc_windforce & Littleboy: Korea (republic); Team_MPBK Futuremark's Lords of Overclocking 2012: dRweEz & Vivi: South Africa, Team- SA Perica_barii & Quake: Montenegro, HW Gurus Coldest & bboyjezz: Indonesia, JagatReview-Binus CE Returning Champions MOA 2011: Monstru & matose: Romania, LAB 501 Competition timeline: +8 GMT September 28th 8:50am Opening Ceremony 9:00-10:30am Assembling/Tuning 10:30-12:30pm Task 1: SuperPi 32M 12:30-3:00pm Task 2: 3Dmark03 3:00-6:00pm Task 3: 3Dmark11 Performance 6:00-7:00pm Winner Announcement and Winning teams interviews 7:00-9:00pm MOA Party! Official Rules of Engagement: Overclocking-TV Coverage: MSI MOA 2012 – Competition Website up and running! MSI MOA 2012 – Competition schedule and benchmarks MSI MOA 2012 – The results MSI MOA 2012 – Official Aftermovie Twitter feeds: @pizzamanocn @overclockingtv @overclocknet @HWbot @msiUSA Photo album Photobucket [size4]OCN MOA Movie[/size] Past MOA Competitions: MOA 2011 MOA 2010 MOA 2009 MOA 2008
  17. Looks like PizzaMan just got a press pass to cover MOA finals. Thanks MSI! Wish I was benching, but I'm sure reporting the event will be almost as fun. Hoping be to able to stream some of the event live for you guys, but I'm still working on those details with MSI.
  18. Great work GENiEBEN. Think I just spent 15 mins laughing my ass off
  19. http://www.overclock.net/t/1228171/overclock-net-grand-champion-series-toronto-june-30th-2012-10-000-prizing/0_30 Going to have plenty of open benching time and lots of LN2 to burn.
  20. Nice score! Gotta love the T2RS, some of the time anyway....
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