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Everything posted by PizzaMan

  1. Just hit top ten.... Overtaking Madshrimps soon.
  2. There's a new contender in the top 10
  3. Not big on sandbagging. Maybe someone will beat it and force me to push more.
  4. May have just been the board. She acts funny at time....C1...C1
  5. Yea, make stage 2 DDR2 and let's go back to overclocking instead of seeing who can bug their result the best.
  6. Think stage 2 looks a little buggy, maybe it's just me...
  7. Should have historical milestones like the first person to break 20K on 3D'06 and what not.
  8. Poll seems to be closed. I was going to vote no. Maxxmem is just way to buggy. Would love to see a memory benchmark, but not maxxmem as it stands now.
  9. I have a dead MIIF. The VRM sink is attached to the rest of the chipset cooler though. It's all one piece.
  10. “"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."” ~Bruce Lee
  11. “Simplicity is the key to brilliance” ~Bruce Lee
  12. Is there going to be a writen test at the end, because I'm totally lost? Maybe some kind of online course to teach team captains how to understand the ranking system so we can in turn teach our team?
  13. Looks like a newer version of EVGA's Untouchables.
  14. OCN team has 0 points and goes from #21 to #1278..... Look perfect. I'm sure my team will be more motivated then ever to submit scores. http://uat.hwbot.org/team/overclock.net
  15. Great comp guys! CL3P20 was prepping for some SLi runs for 01' on Friday when his PSU smoked and took the board and CPU with it. Consider yourselfs lucky
  16. Does 'powerteam' mean only the top team member in each hardware/global goes towards team points or does everyone's points count to the sum total?
  17. So I finally got 3Dmark99 to work in XP, but it's not working right. 3Dmark2000 is acting wierd in XP to. Scoring great in W7, but in XP the entire test runs in about 30 secs and gives me this score. I guess this is what happens when you drop support for your old products. Don't think I'm going to play this one. Just to much trouble trying to get the benches to run properly.
  18. Yea, didn't work. EDIT: Tried x86 and x64 XP. Copied the _Setup.dll to 99max folder. Not working
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