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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Not exactly correct. It was taken down after my site was hacked to try to steal it. Could have just asked me. The entirety of my bios archive is now housed on a drive in my personal computer. If you guys are looking for something in particular, just ask. I have no problem sharing. I do not have that particular bios. I too have been looking for a copy.
  2. Rule has been in effect since Sept. 2016. Any sub before that the rule does not apply. Edit- damn. Typed too slow. lol
  3. Please enable the damn edit button for all sections.
  4. Thank you for doing this. For any changes but single CPU, I would clear everything with Tasos being that he put this show together. It is only fitting that the participants do not override what the designer put together, but merely add input to what might be better. If you know what I mean.
  5. That would be a winner if it's a dual socket board. There are like 4 or 5 different models of 694D, based on extra on board options.
  6. Correct. Can't use BX chipset. I have VP6, but it won't run 2 Mendocinos.
  7. After a little research, there are very very few non Intel chipset boards that will run PPGA Celeron's in SMP mode. If you're lucky enough to have or find one, have at it.
  8. I know that. It's just in the previous comps it was specifically mentioned that multi processor boards like A7M266-D were allowed. When it is not specifically mentioned, everybody assumes that multi processor is not allowed. Consistency. That is still a problem. I'm not blaming you Havli. Just a little irritated right now. Fucking chiller just blew up too. Perfect.
  9. Should have left it single processor only as the comp has already started. I'm rather irritated now. 2 rounds in and problems with both of them. Please bullet proof the rest of the rounds right now before this happens again.
  10. It's a shame that even when you spend a lot of time and energy to try to cheat proof a comp people continue to find ways. Why not apply that energy to just pushing your hardware legit. It blows my mind.
  11. Mmmm...........still fucked up. http://hwbot.org/submission/3390025_mr.scott_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_phenom_ii_x4_960t_be_12min_54sec_7ms Global points can't possibly be correct.
  12. Take your time. Measure twice, cut once. You should probably put in for that one time name change to........ poorba5tard, the way the staff gets treated by some members here.
  13. Lol. Semantics. Since English is not your native, I suggest you look it up.
  14. YoYo, you are so on websmiles favorite list. lol
  15. Should make choosing a division mandatory, like it was supposed to be from the onset.
  16. I understand. As always, thank you Michael. You are always most hospitable.
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