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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Uranium enrichment facilities only functional computer.
  2. Can't wait to see the pink and primer grey Latino edition then.
  3. Would you still be saying this if you were an ES recipient?
  4. Trust here is over hyped. Trust no one. Sorry it has to be that way. People you 'trust' at HWB may not be as you think. Not saying all of them......but more than you think. Agree on the chiller though. I can get to about -20 but as soon as I load it I'm back above 0.
  5. Devil's advocate How would you prove that your chiller temp is above or below 0?
  6. It's on your end. I can open as many as I want with no error. Win XP
  7. Many very good old skool overclockers here. Thank you for letting myself and my team compete with you. Congrats to all winners.
  8. Whatever. Honest to god you guys got more excuses than I have time to listen to.
  9. Hi....me again. I assume these are OK also?, or will actual screen shots be added later too....or any info for that matter. It's only been a few years. Links are worthless also. http://hwbot.org/submission/900244_knopflerbruce_superpi___1m_opteron_1214_25sec_110ms http://hwbot.org/submission/900248_knopflerbruce_pifast_opteron_1214_36.52_sec
  10. This must be his room then.
  11. Mr.Massman, I realize that you're just trying to be cordial and polite right now, smilie face and all but, you and I both know that some of your voluntary staff in the past has been let's say, less than honest. So don't try to preach to me about random accusations. I've seen far worse said in other threads on this site, without a mention from you or anybody else. So if you still wish to troll this already closed issue I'm afraid you'll have to find a more willing partner. Your 2 posts directed at me were totally un-needed. The issue was already solved. Thank you for your time.
  12. +1 Points tab in my profile no longer works. This started Monday I think.
  13. It was an attention getter. Everything has been or is being handled. Relax.
  14. K. That's fine. At least you're accepting that there actually ARE 215's that will unlock to 4 cores.
  15. You're probably right. BTW, thanks for responding in this thread. It wasn't a personal attack or anything like that. The one off processors have so little info out there on them, it makes it hard for us common folk to believe they exist. That's why pics should be mandatory for uncommon categories. Hope you understand. It wasn't anything personal.
  16. If that's the case, need a pic from this guy too.............or block it. http://hwbot.org/submission/2209789_yin92_cpu_frequency_athlon_ii_x2_215_4455.15_mhz
  17. I don't know about look like, but in essence, you ARE maids.
  18. How much later? If the staff has the pics already, why can't you put them up now and satisfy the request?, or is this just another 'sweep it under the rug' scenario?
  19. AGESA code error in your own bios maybe. Dunno, just reaching. Anyhow, Nice result. GL with rest of comp.
  20. This I understand. This I don't. Bridge mods don't work on NFII boards, only VIA and SiS. Normally I would have just chalked it up to a condensation short, but it shouldn't make a difference on a NFII based board. Not questioning the result BTW, just asking how it reads XP-M on a non-mobile chip. Very odd. Vid and pic have you pretty much covered. Very wise.
  21. Interested in your mobile mod switch. NFII boards aren't conducive to bridge mods. I'd like to know more. You can PM me if you'd like Ivan. We're not strangers to each other.
  22. Deception. That's a munchkin bed.
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