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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Preparations are underway for more runs. Stay tuned....
  2. Thanks guys. Nothing to do now but push it even farther and we'll see how far it can go. 500? Going for it and then some.
  3. That's a nice NF3-250 result. Good job!
  4. Thanks guys. If I do have a bigger one, it will be posted soon enough.
  5. Hmmm.... This looks interesting. May have to try it and see what I can come up with here.
  6. Nah - The price is too high. I approve of the latest in trying to make things better. Thanks guys.
  7. Trying to find one is next to impossible nowadays so do take care of it. If you do see them now, you'd have to shell out major $$'s just to get your hands on it and you have to hope it's not something that's been thrashed to the point it could actually be "Worn out" since most hang onto these if they are any good at all. I'm lucky to have the DFI Infinity NF2 I have and it's not a great performer in comparision (So far). Good luck with the LanParty Massman.
  8. As of this post, the problem is still there. My profile shows me having 95 entries showing a change of points, almost all of these show a drop. I had a few submissions in the past week for points but to suddenly have so many show a drop is strange. I know perhaps one or two may have been beaten withing the last day or so but around 90 or so entries in a 24 to 48 hr period? I can say after peeking through my profile, I've seen where at least 7 entries have lost points even though they haven't dropped in their ranking, meaning they haven't been beaten. That has to mean something isn't right.
  9. You can try this free utility to see if it will work. I use an older version of the same when benching and it's always done the job so far: http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/System/capture/Freeware.htm The site says it works with all Windows versions, including Win 7. It takes the shot as a bitmap but as you know it can be easily converted to JPEG in Paint for posting up afterwards.
  10. Ticket ID: 408 Priority: Medium I have a Nvidia FX5200 PCI card and this isn't listed as a category within your database, only FX5200 cards with the AGP interface are listed for this model. Thanks in advance for your help and as soon as I get a reply and all is OK, I'll post up with it.
  11. The following entries look to be the same entry/screenshot posted in two different categories. This one is listed as being for a CPU-Z entry and has no validation that I can find and is based on a 1M Super PI run. The verification description given is the screenshot in question itself: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=642362 This one is an entry for Super PI: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=642364
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