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Posts posted by yosarianilives

  1. It's that time again for Yos to post a thread to remind people one of his two favorite yearly comps is coming up. Team Cup 2021 is about 3-4 months out now (assuming it starts when it always does) so I think it's a good idea to have people start suggesting stages so that mods can hopefully have the stages quasi set by a month before comp start. If stages are determined well ahead of time then people have a chance to complain and hopefully they won't complain too much after comp start (a pipe dream I know).

    So anyways for my own suggestions, I think we should follow with the "memory divisions" style like normal although maybe add a "misc" section for stages that don't fit well like max memory frequency or non ddr 1,2,3,4 memory stages. I think it would be cool to see a stage that uses rdr or fbdimms, maybe even sdr. Would be good to smash all the weird ram into one stage if we do so you only need one sub with each. Would like to see an all out memory valid stage as well with no socket restrictions but smash it into one stage. Another stage that I'd enjoy but may not have enough support is a dogpile stage. I don't think we should do a dogpile for all mem types, just do one dogpile overall. I think it would go well into misc, make it a 3d bench so that memory type doesn't matter on cpu side. Could also do a gpu memory type stage if that's configurable (4 scores, 4 memory types).

    Anyways that's just the weird stages I want to see, I want to see some am2, am3, superpi, ycruncher, x265, igpu, pyprime, 7zip, cinebench stages as well which I think people can agree with easily.

    tldr; post what stages you want to see in team cup below

  2. Oh just realized this is for daily, that is insane. On lake you never go above 1.4v for daily at good temps unless you have a really good water loop then you can do 1.45v. The 1.55v number some people use is because Intel vid table ends there, which is not Intel saying its safe. Basically and arbitrary end saying cpu shouldn't ever request more than this from board. Your chip died because 1.55v is way too fucking much for daily 

  3. 15 hours ago, hidde663 said:

    Too much? I don't know. The chip was delidded, resealed, 85C@155 watt. did not gain anything past ~1.536v on air, the extra is just for the droop. So i set 1.55v, did a few x265 4k benches in a row, which was the hardest test to pass in my book, stabalized the highest freq. without destabalising the mem. It ran fine for a few weeks, then suddenly after i came back from work and it wouldnt POST no more. (i did shut it down myself, so no crashes) Thats why i think it died due to a voltage spike at startup. (similar to how Jayztwocents 7700k died, cant remember for certain) I was hoping the degradation experiment would have lasted a little longer, but oh well got a 5800x now, which is quite a jump in performance. I will wait for de8auer's degradation vid before trying anything "un-safe" on this one ;)

    Even for benching on air never go above 1.45v, maybe up to 1.5v with a large water loop

  4. I think the visuals and the music is nice but it should not be added for globals. Bench is a pain to get working, then it breaks all the time, often have to retry running it many times until it finally completes a run. The support for catzilla is also nonexistent, I've never heard back from contacting catzilla support ever. When I contact FM I always hear back relatively quickly. Catzilla is a fun bench when it works, but it should not seriously be considered for globals. 

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  5. I think we shouldn't have a 3d bench where load time is part of the score (leave that for pcm) also the support for catzilla is even worse than for 3dm. Although the load time does give an idea, what if we made a new category called "system benchmarks" that's apart from cpu and 3d and put pcmark and catzilla in there as well as any similar bench that benches cpu, gpu, storage, etc we may add (if we can ever determine a non stupid passmark version for example, etc). 

  6. 4 hours ago, Splave said:

    Thanks guys. 10980xe shut my system off before I could get a look lol too scared to try again till I get beat.

    Buy the power backplane from a supermicro server then slot in a few high wattage server psus. It all comes out to atx plugs and a bunch of eps. That's my plan, and the power should be clean as fuck because everything is platinum rated or better. Just gotta run a 220v circuit 

  7. 9 minutes ago, FUGGER said:

    Same with Ycruncher, my 1B wr gave me 20 points.  I dont care about points so I am not complaining, I am  just pointing out that the reward is off so that my WR did not make it to front page and got zero attention and you guys know how I love attention.

    There are no wr pts anymore, so global pts will be based on how popular that core count is. Although points will be completely revamped soon so expect more pts in the future. 

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