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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Two cards that unlock, can't run 3d clocks together with unlocked cards sadly. So using one unlock one normal
  2. Did you try running gpupi with hwinfo in safe mode? Usually crash on save is related to hwinfo
  3. But I saw post team au was retiring from cc
  4. Not according to database
  5. Okay here's my comments AMD CPU - GOOD Intel CPU ycruncher 1b - Can we allow xeons with same core count as consumer chips? 3dmark physics - F sku banned, although not explicitly. Overall seems fine and I like the idea, igp is an interesting challenge too cpu freq - stage is fine, just something to look out for there are ways to show all cores at a clock speed when it's just one core. Should be pretty obvious if done though AMD GPU Heaven xtreme xfire - rules say use 2 videocards so it may seem that 6990 quadfire is allowed as it has cayman core and 590 was allowed in similar circumstance in team cup gpupi 1b - if server cards like mi25 not allowed then there are a total of 4 cards allowed for this stage Firestrike ultra - can we drop to extreme or normal firestrike, the vram requirement makes system ram oc have a large performance impact as seen last time we did fsu for country cup on dual gpu cards Nvidia GPU - GOOD
  6. Yeah I think there are still some concerns on some stages, I'll type a full list when I get to a desk today
  7. Hands off my garbage, firestrike ultra uses A LOT of vram, we can't afford to be banning high end dual gpu cards. Otherwise it's literally just a system ram bench Source: this isn't the first fsu dual gpu stage in a comp
  8. Idk, probably some asshole
  9. Guys people have already planned their vacation time around nov/Dec. As fun as it would be to cuck the aussies, just no. We can discuss dec/Jan for cc 2023
  10. We've voted on this before, stays Nov Dec. But we could always do another poll, ultimate decision is up to Alby. Either way we should suggest as many stages as we can think of that we'd want otherwise we have no right to complain about bad stages after comp start.
  11. if we did bclk I'd say just go with cpu bclk for simplicity, but apparently seby killed 2 ssds already from am4 bclk, not just the install either. so maybe skip this one lol
  12. W8 they're not linked? And I think we'd do it by chipset so at least c8 would be out cause x570 sux
  13. As team cup 2022 draws to a close it's a good time to start proposing stages. I went through the team cup ones and kept the ones appropriate for cc as a starter but please comment with ideas for stages or risk getting laughed at when you wait until after comp starts to complain about stages. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18iCZWy45BrKM_on_K0JxEzWEizkrR6AX12JhDywwNd0/edit?usp=sharing
  14. It basically has to do with when systeminfo was able to actually detect it. Because there's lots of legacy scores where it could be used and not detected its still allowed as a tweak on those benches. By the release of Timespy and later system info had fixed this
  15. The time to change stages is far far gone lol, comp ends on the 15th.
  16. Lmao forced air is also convection. If we wanna go full science here you forgot evaporation which is how ln2 works. I wonder when we get 100% radiation based cooler ?
  17. Typically the stepping is at the end, gi is c2 and gm is C3. Hdz vs hdx typically is locked vs unlocked if you look across all the chips. Didn't look like 955 was different when I looked
  18. I thought the locked version was hdx not hdz, but either way if cpuz detects the same then x265 would as well and need to manually select the right one based on ihs. If the multi is wrong it probably was a mistake on the side of the one subbing so report and it will be moved. I'd say 90% of people probably don't have the locked one.
  19. It's hard to find out every unicorn before comp start. Although this one is kinda like a donkey someone taped a horn to and painted the word unicorn on the side. At least it was only like $40
  20. Definitely shouldn't do this, we joke that it's suggested just cause asus mad their lhe all core freq got beat by ln2
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