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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. I love to see this, give those who aren't on the go faster juice a chance to compete.
  2. Wonder how long before teamau responds with a sub
  3. Ah I see, perhaps misunderstanding the rules. Def don't think we need subs with ice in the res
  4. Imho I haven't seen anything too questionable on cooling. The people with good subs are people I'd trust. Just some insane cpus is all.
  5. We will see if chip runs again, was being fucky but everything was being fucky second day. Board can be fast but found out I need different bios. Os should be fun, it's perica. Did find out where the waza files were so will need to try waza, hopefully my crap ssd isn't too fast. Maybe I should plug in a hdd for waza lol
  6. If it's ambient it's fine. Just cool with a rad or a heatsink and you probably are fine as long as you don't do ice bucket challenge.
  7. We specifically tried to pick a core that didn't have unicorn cards that would give a huge advantage this time. It should be a comp about mods not about eBay searching
  8. I would vote we don't allow it, desktop doesn't have gddr3 so this would become a hunt to get a mobile platform to run gddr3 mobile cards
  9. Yeah 2 cores max, could run it in 1p though
  10. I want to see someone do this, just ya know not me lmao
  11. Same cpu limits as last time, but otherwise only graphics card limit is gv710 core. Not sure if it should be a requirement but at least somewhere should mention its preferred if people show off their mods in rig pic
  12. Interesting that the 4550 has ddr2 that's clocked higher than all the Ddr3 cards
  13. So haven't had much feedback, let's go with rv710 core and same benches as last round. Comp should run May 1st to end of June. Let me know if anyone has any problems with this,otherwise we go with this
  14. Yeah not sure, I like the idea of doing amd after nvidia but also needs to be about mods not about eBay hunting
  15. So far from discord I've seen suggestions of gf106 or 108 cards, also on amd side gv710 or similar core and also recommendation of oland or Caicos core. Personally I also would like to see more of the small tesla cores in future comps, but next year. For this year I like the idea of amd, although not Terra scale based as we've had two comps with it and gcn is weirdly expensive. So I'd personally lean towards gv710 (HD 4350 etc) but also open to suggestions
  16. Really good participation everyone! Makes me excited for round two, will have to look at feedback and maybe suggestions from before comp. If you had any new ideas since this comp post them in the original planning thread and we'll take into consideration.
  17. This has been broken for comps for a long time. If it gets fixed will only be from the complete rewrite.
  18. If you get it running ddr1 send pics lmao, but also it's per core scoring
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