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Everything posted by Hollywood

  1. Thanks! Yes, cards modded. but i used software for vGPU. vMEM was @ stock voltages. vGPU @ 1.42.
  2. Thank you so much! Today i spend the last liters of LN2 for a run in SLI. Got 132632, #11 global. Not to bad with that crappy chip. Still in need for better pots. But i had lots of fun!
  3. Thank you! You're right, i am limited by that cpu...
  4. I guess, we first have to wait for another 01 result! I have a feeling.... C'mon Billy, and good luck!
  5. That's an awesome number you pulled there! I still dislike SB in 01, but this one is rly impressive! Good going!
  6. LOL! I thought this was on LN2! Well done!
  7. Holy mother! THAT'S SICK! Well done!
  8. That's what it is! Could not find better words!
  9. Not very good? Are you kidding? It's an awesome result mate!
  10. What the heck? Missed this one as well! You rly pulled some great scores!
  11. good luck on that man! you already have a good score! keep going!
  12. Haha! Yeah! I rly love REX and E8600! This is real 01 benching! This bench is meant to be run on that platform!
  13. REX for the win! Nice run! 2 volts! EDIT: Maybe you wanna change Rampage Formula to Rampage Extreme in you're description!
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