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Everything posted by ShrimpBrime

  1. Great June Comp! Had lots of fun this time around! Congrats to OCF, you guys really pushed hard and did a great job. Peace, ShrimpBrime~
  2. The Gpu speed is typo. 1065mhz is actual frequency.
  3. Well see if Austin had payed attention, I went from a DDR3 on liquid to DDR2 with LN hoping the mhz would make a larger difference. I could however Dice the DDR3 board and @ 1600 + 4.9ghz, would definitely give a larger gain. My team mates can't touch these scores. It's going to based on weather or not I'm willing to Dice my Daily gamer. I probably won't, but let's see if I get that itch And Opty... Keep re-running that 4050e. I need some PCMark04 competition with that cpu. lol. http://hwbot.org/submission/2181238_shrimpbrime_pcmark_2004_athlon_64_4050_x2_brisbane_9590_marks I got more in that one too ^
  4. Nice run paco! Your i-ram kills!!! Look what it beat!! Now they cry! lol That's why your score is so high! 190+ mb sec xp start up?! Most awesome. And what happened to your points?? They took them because your i-ram is faster than 6 core cpu's? fascinating....
  5. Wish I could! ran out of LN2. Brought the cpu to 5.3 with a cup full of what I had left. Booted right up and cpu-z'ed. There's more in the cpu, I'm just out of coolant
  6. Oh. Had to break out the real video card!! Nice Move.
  7. Not bad. Gonna have to push a little harder though.
  8. Nice work. Your getting some really nice mhz on that air cooling! I dig it!!
  9. How come the submission is for 15529 and the actual score was 15259? How did you gain over 1000 points with out over clocking any further>? Nice run though
  10. Yea. I just sent you a PM at CP Opty. I think no body really hates you that bad. I just got off here on the wrong foot, I apologize. My last post here of it...
  11. You helped a guy out who paid you in return when I told you I was gonna pay. That's when you where a brother man from another land. Now? Well I'm not sure. I offered to pay for those chips if you recall Opty. I wasn't worried about the $$ at the time. But then I found out you burned multiple people. So that makes me hold you to your word. Also, about the ban I have nothing to do with. I don't make those calls man. BUT I do have this nifty little account at EOCF.... How about this, Pay the other people you owe then? I'm not sure your entirely banned at CP either btw. Your name is still on the members list.
  12. He won't answer PM's for business. So it's public. I am sorry. But is relevant in terms that he possibly would be OCing this contest with my hardware he never paid for. So I'm burned that he's all happy go lucky about it and it's BS. IF he owed you money and where in a similar predicament, you'd have all of HWBot backing you up now wouldn't you? I have a couple of 940 chips left and an SK8N board. But it's dual socket only....
  13. Actually I'm a family man who puts more time and effort into that instead of throwing money away at a hobby. Again your making a fool of yourself, publicly I might add. Just simply fess up to your mistakes and send the darn e series chips you promised and it can be all good. OR I could have the 940 dual socket board and the what, 15 cpu's or more I sent including the Ram as well. That's what I'm talking about. Keep your useless comments to your self. Oh and pay up to my other friends as well. They deserve it and you know it. What did you expect them guys to do? Maybe it could have been handled differently. Perhaps your a little mad at them. But you know I contacted you, was very cool about it and you vanished into thin air. I sat back and watched. You won't visit the site to receive PM's any ways. So I haven't bothered. Just waiting for you to man up and pay your depts is all. I wanted to stay cool about it, but truthfully I let my mouth run off and I guess that's my mistake. Sorry Austin. I had a lot of trust in you man. Plus your a darn good over clocker who knows his stuff. It's a shame you take me for granted.
  14. Your threats to a diesel mechanic are meaning less. Hillbilly or not, bring it on little man. 2ndly, you never once contacted myself in regards to your issues. I didn't owe you, you owed me. I've been more than patient. So if your such a big man, wanna pay up or back up your threats, come see me. You have my address.
  15. Yes, I apologize. Won't happen again Massman. I traded Austin a dual socket 940 board and a whole lot of cpu's for it and he's not paid up. Months ago. He also owes other people on our team $$ or hardware in some way, and possibly others elsewhere. So Just so all of you can know, he owes and personally shouldn't be trusted. Take heed OC'ers.
  16. // mod-break You naughty Shrimpbrime. So many hate in one post.
  17. Ticket ID: 1256 Priority: Low NVidia FX 5500 PCI. http://reviews.cnet.com/graphics-cards/evga-e-geforce-fx/4507-8902_7-31750246.html\r\n\r\nThanks Much!
  18. Ticket ID: 1216 Priority: Low Got another 940 pin opteron. Opteron 840 130nm sledgehammer.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Opteron%20840%20-%20OSA840CCO5AI.html\r\n\r\nThanks for your time
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