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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. "Benching 1x and 4x GPU are two very different things." But benching SAME benchmark is only one thing.... If you got points to Vantage (exemple)....you just got your Vantage points.... This will turn more equal chances to all (this I AM SURE)....
  2. Ok...let's try to explain Lets go back one month ago. Who was the 1st and 2nd in the world. 1st Nickshih 2nd Smoke Ok... Let's see the benchmarks single (GPU bound) 3Dmark 11 3DMark Vantage (consider Smoke used 2 Xeons or 3960X....check VGA clocks) Unigine Heaven DX11 3Dmark 03 At least you can tell and us know if will not be more fair and more competitive if only have hwboints one time (once) per benchmark. Now...let's check one thing in 4 way ... you can look for VGA clocks, sometimes in the air, getting global points to be in top 10. I DO NOT TALKING that Smoke is not a very good overclocker, but only trying to show how unfair is need to compete same level with only single...and few times 2 VGAs P.S. once one time in my life I benched 4 cards...and was really amazing... but many more expensive than I can pay. P.S. 2 Smoke is only one exemple I take to try to explain with my awful english....somethings that I think can be thought. P.S. 3 - OK Mafio... you are right... lets fall down AMD CPUs and turn Intel the only monopoly...and never more will see new Amd CPU benching in this home
  3. Mafio...I don't think is "bitching" to can give each opinion, then please let keep level of discussion... This thread have are more than one reason...and more than one point of view... Officially 7970 will be lauched at january 9. Not Greece or any country decided it....AMD decided... Any other way to "get" the cards, I think, only must be agree to Pro League. I do not consider me at Pro League cause I "always" have only 1 CPU bought from me (binned or not...to me with MY OWN money) and sometimes one from Fabi (my wife - that's no more overclocking to get points for a moment)...and is the same to our videocards...and acording the rules VGA and CPUs is the most important to 2D and 3D benchs. I only work to a vendor about 2 months and I always be a hardware seller in my country to can make money to buy my own hardware. To me, is not important about especially about HD 7970... but not lauched hardware to hwboints, in the future, and main who is and who is not to be forced to join Pro League must be thinking to the future. In the Pro League... I think, I will never have chance to compete with Nick, Andre (regarding they are REALLY top overclockers) Guys like Nick and Andre really deserve many more than some "top dogs" that get lots of points cause haves lots of hardware, and compete single VGA with nice normal results...but got boints and more boints with SLI, 3Way, 4 Way ... but don't have AMAZING results in single...buts lots of points with multi GPU as you can check), etc...in despite of to be the luckiest person in the world and get the gold chips by lucky. We all noticed the ranking is real...but it don't show REAL top overclockers like Elmor, Hipro, Matose, Stummer, etc in Top 3 or top 5 (regardless Shamino Master)... I understand...and this guys just showed their skill ans they don't need to prove nothing to nobody. Ok... keep this way for now...but think about it to next lauched hardware...and think about to give points to single, sli, 3way, 4way (that to me is not equal for all)... and sure...just a lit bit help to AMD CPU overclocking to encourage the guys and agree to separate at least CPU Intel and CPU AMD to Global points (that I am sure will help to find people working with AMD)... P.S. about USD 1200 when 7970 arrive in Brazil... lol P.S. 2 ... hi friend...you need to understand that sometimes is hard to "non english" to find the correct word to explain what want to tell... so... skill can be knowledge .... effort to find and know the settings ... how to do ... etc
  4. + 1 too.... But what about "need to be" or not ... to Pro League ... If I work to Microsoft and no in Corsair...still I keep in Pro? ... cause any worker works to receive money and no pc parts ... You don't see I tell that I disagree the rules..... and I do not tell I disagree to be in Pro league.... I do not disagree to have to effort myself to do my best ... but why this is not for all? I really think this way ... We are in a democratic place ... and the firts thing I writed is: Thats impossible to be fair to all ... but in my point of view, if I have no videocards, cpus, motherboards, technical information provided by a vendor I have no to be "forced" to be in Pro League ... cause to have this stuff is mandatory to do overclock... but if hwbot want to end this thread and keep this way ... I will keep "mine point of view"....why I have to be forced to keep in Pro League if i buy all my hardware??? (I never submited once memory benchmark ... for exemple) In South America we fight for a cause, is like an ideal. We never had the same conditions and prices of the most developed, just see that across the continent have only three considered overclockers (but lots and lots of latin american talents that have lots of skill but not enough conditions (hardware, money) to be in the TOP, ... (is me, Nacho and E Killer .... in amount 1 Bilion of people... trying to show that we are alive).... So... if hwbot delay to give boints will be good...but if hwbot do not agree to delay recent launched hardware... it will be not any problem (thats ok to keep this way) We are not the only... for exemple... you can not see Africa continent here @@ ....and South Africa alone Further is not (to me) the only thing I think can be changed... to me ... this (below) is the most important Why CPU AMD at 7500 Mhz get less points that a SB in the air:. Why people earns points in the same benchmark with 1, SLI, 3 Way, 4 Way...and all receive all points... etc People earning points with hardware before to be lauched...is tiny I will agree hwbot decision ... but you guys can think about it... sorry awful english Best regards for all ... this is enough "to me" .... and is nice to be part of this forun when each guy can tell free his way of thinking
  5. There are 2 diferent things at this thread...as I told in my post... "one size to fits all"... Here in Latino America, as Sweet explained, we never will have fast lauched hardware...but I never claim about it... So... we usually needs to wait and we have nothing to do about it.... Here is important to be well positioned to look for help... hardware... support... When Rev4 was lauched my choice was Pro League, to compete against the best and to try do do my best... So, companys (brands and vendors) looked for me...and after 5 years looking for, I was hired. I always overclocked with my own money... and bought my own hardware... but since november... I am working to Corsair (I love to work there) But I have never received Videocards, CPUs, motherboards and hardware was necessary to Overclock hard...and just 2 kits of RAM, 4 SSDs and 2 PSD 1200W... Few days ago... I hold #6 in the Pro League...and checked the leagues...and noticed I coud be #1 in Overclockers League... You can not understand how hard was to me to hold this place. Then I asked to hwbot to change to Overclockers League and was denied to change.... The explaination is....cause I work for a vendor... Ok... I will not fight... So... few days after... HD 7970 start to brake all my scores in the air...and I losed lots os hwboints... So I asked.... Who is supported??? I am supported cause I work for a vendor? (as channel marketing...nothing about overclocking...only to spread the name Corsair cause I am well recognized in my country)... buts lots of guys receive CPUs, Videocards, Motherboards...etc... to review... to overclock... to sell... to ALL... and don't move to Overclockers League... Ok again... no problem... I will drop down #6 to #20 fast... and will never more (perhaps) fight to receive a new acheivement (TO ME>>>IS IMPORTANT...cause you only can get help in my country if you can show you deserve - earn - and sure... Top guys haves their achievements... Further... I think we can find funny things like to find a #1 in the Enthusiast League get a achievement "Overclocking King" and be free to spread to all that is the #1... (is the same that Nick, Kingpin, Hicookie, Andre and the Masters... I would like to get an new achievement and would be very good to my work and to my future, but I understand hwbot point of view...I only don't understand why lots of guys have no forced to go to Pro League. I think there are lots of things hwbot need to fix...but unfortunately...is not hwbot fault...and...is impossible to be fair with all... P.S. I think we have to think lots of things...like: CPU AMD at 7500 Mhz get less points that a SB in the air. People earning points in the same benchmark with 1, SLI, 3 Way, 4 Way...and receive all points... People earning points with hardware before to be lauched... etc. Its inly my point of view...and...as always... will be people that will agree..and disagree Best regards from Brazil and sorry the awful english
  6. Evga Evbot sells retail, but I looked for a expander lots of times....and was a legend to me... I understand hwbot need rules, and understand is almost impossible to be fair with all.... But sometimes we can see guys posting results (for exemple) with a HD 7970 out of the pro league... So ... the question is... How can this guys get a not launched VGA if they have no " some way of support " and this guys was not in pro league... In my case, I asked to move to Overclockers League, cause was possible to get # 1 , before HD 7970 braked my scores... and few days ago I did have many more points... but I asked and be denied to change to Overclockers League.... because I work to a vendor ( Corsair)... The questin is... I work for a vendor only since november (99% my points was out Corsair)... and Vgas, cpus, motherboards is the most needed to the 2d and 3d scores... So.... I bought all cpus, motherboards and vgas....further spent tons of money with ln2.... Who haves more support....who is more pro league? The guys that haves lots of cpus....or can catch videocards before to be launched... or I? I do not disagree to be in Pro League cause is a "pre rule" but I think hwbot have to check and I am sure will find many more than 60 pros... One size for all...
  7. Looking forward working at X79 And....looking for a GTX 2 ...lol
  8. excelente Wagner... Podia colocar o resultado pelo Campeonato Brasileiro....ia estar quase certamente...na final good job
  9. I did reply MP at XS... sorry the delay but I was traveling in the Reveillon
  10. I think Matose tell you that you and few 4 or 5 guys have opportunity to get the card ...thats not launched yet... Anyway....great score;;;; Let us know about LN2 results and congratz.
  11. Grande Eduardo... Manda resultados pro Campeonato Brasileiro.... you can win for sure
  12. stock cooling.... oh my God....is unfair.... my 2667 points at gtx 580 @ 15xx mhz Unigine have no more value front HD 7970... Thats a pity I can not compete against this monster... Congratz to the #1
  13. I usually put the thermal on the GPU (and not on the pot)... Will try this way,.. Thanks for share
  14. To me....gulftown is the more funny CPU to overclock....I hope the Sandy Bridge era ends fast.... Nice result as usual
  15. Give me 2 new lightnings and USD 500 USD for one 4Way LN2 session and I swear you can see...lol Thanks for all
  16. Thanks Christian... System just changed at inspector...that's the problem... Will do another XP clan and try again... K404... Old times that the Radeons get amazing scores at W7 Today XP to GTX580 is the better choice http://hwbot.org/submission/2233155_aristidis_aquamark_geforce_gtx_580_471349_marks
  17. Does anybody know what happens? I did run Aquamark3 (changed DLL for old AM3)... CPU 2600K about 5940 Mhz (4 cores HT off) Windows XP With and without LOD With and without Direct3D Overrider VGA 1300/1250...1350/1300...1450/1300 eg....eg...eg...eg But I did not get more than 200K points... Don't know why it sucks Thanks in advance
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