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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. I bought from a friend Splave. So...need to improve the efficiency 2D... I only benched 10 Lts to few minutes... CPU saved to 3D... I really think is not fair 2D earn lots of points with SB... Any guy with a CPU like this, do not need lots of skill to get good scores... 3D is diferent.... I prefer.
  2. Oh friend.... Still have no 1700 Mhz GTX 580... Looking for one... After I got we can deal a new price...
  3. If you give me USD 3000... I sell Shipping included to all world...lol
  4. I only run .... no tweak and no effort at this time. I prefer to bench 3D first .... so .... try to improve 2D efficiency ...
  5. Thanks for the information Christian. This can open our eyes to a next purshase... Good lucky
  6. Thanks friend... I hope it can inspire another guys to do the same to spread overclocking in the world. Best regards from Brazil
  7. We have fought hard to promote the exciting art of overclocking in my country (Brazil). We've done many plenty of home sessions (with few people as the place where I live is very small). Also we do many overclocking sessions and presentations, in order to teach and grow our community. We just did more than 20 events in the last 2 years. I can show some of this pics below. Last Saturday, we did an event and this time the interest and the results for overclocking exceeded our expectations. We were able to teach students the IFMG (Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais - the Federal TI University), overclock at all levels (from aircooled to the extreme). There were more than 200 people present, and I am really impressed. The people were amazed and certainly today we have many other new participants in our community. You can see pics below: I was shown the pics of this event to a friend (a member of HWBOT staff), and he asked me why I have not posted on our forum. In fact I felt so shamed to post, but he encouraged me to do. The results of benching sessions can overcome, but the respect and friendship that I could with this work, will be forever. Special Thanks to: Fabi: the best overclocking female and the woman in my life. Corsair: to believe in my work and provide the best to me. Impacta: to be the first "non hardware" company to encourage the overclocking in my country. To all my overclocking friends and students to putting up this boring guy Sorry the broken english Best regards from Brazil
  8. Hi Splave! Joe really participated of overclocking events and know how get good scores, and I can not believe he did this ¨$#¨%*¨@. He didn t need to do it...but just comproved. Now he was banned, shamed, and sure will need to think about all stuff. I think is enough...
  9. Oh man...you got a 5900 Mhz chip Congratz....very good score
  10. Congratz to winners... Well done..well deserved The result proves that if the pieces are not binned, knowledge is required. There is no favorite.
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