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Everything posted by AndreYang

  1. i am not join to pro cup. Please move me to XOC.
  2. This means I can be back to OC League soon.
  3. I have free 2 rooms for you on my house. I don't think my wife will complain if drunk to dead at home.
  4. We can drink until dead after computex.
  5. massman is nothing wrong. What do you want to expect if he is a lord of overclocking community?
  6. It's not thumbnail. I have reported to Christian. He will add to bug list.
  7. Did you try to submit size 700~800 KB JPG screenshot? It should become red screenshot. 200~300 KB JPG is ok without any problem.
  8. PSC is easy to bench, Sam. BBSE needs more colder and some cpus IMC cannot handle BBSE.
  9. I bench it few hours ago. It's not a backup, Sam.
  10. I am not sure hwbot allow this tweak for vantage. You know we can change LOD until 27 if you know how to change. More higher LOD got more higher GT1. I think more and more people will get higher GT1 soon. Maybe 03 05 06 higher???? no ideas. This is my vantage single card result. gpu clock 1855/1900 cpu 5.7G http://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/4500052 Is it allowed really??
  11. I should submit my backups...hehehe Nice score:)
  12. Oh, no. It's illegal.
  13. assman ftw. I am from TURKMENISTAN. Any questions?
  14. So who won a board?
  15. Because he is massman. That's why.
  16. Olympic USA 1 VS Belgium 0
  17. How many guys against you before, massman? How many guys call you assman under table? Are these guys called you assman without reasons? Oh, well. You are the only guy asus dislike in hwbot. If hwbot fire massman, maybe asus consider support to hwbot. Is it a good deal?
  18. Interesting, massman doesn't admit he ever told to some vendor he hate asus because no sponsor. Too bad, I should ask these vendors for recording your talking. That's why I question you have double side personality. Business side, you hate asus. Real world side, you like to use asus board because better than some vendors...lol
  19. Massman, if you dont hate asus, why so many vendors just told me you say hate asus when you are in Taiwan because asus doesnt want to sponsor hwbot. You have double side personality between internet and real world, period.
  20. Don't you? What did you want to expect if article writer is a hater? Don't forget what you told to some vendors about asus when you ask for sponsoring. I didn't get it.
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