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Everything posted by AndreYang

  1. we are pioneer, dino. Dont we?
  3. 32xx bios should work for ivy, but M4E B3 version only. pm me your email address if you want. Thanks
  4. Oh, 1.10 I know it's too slow for dino.
  5. checksum cannot be photoshoped. all information will be in the checksum. hwbot admin must clarify this issue.
  6. hey rbuass we all know you are not native english speaker, so it's nothing wrong here. you should learn more, but not make a gray line to prove your own opinion.
  7. hey all check the rule page http://hwbot.org/news/3546_application_23_rules/ # Use latest stable build V1.0.3 # Use standard benchmark settings # Verification file is mandatory for submitting results # Have a valid screenshot: clearly show benchmark score, processor and memory information in CPU-Z, videocard in GPU-Z #gpu-z in screenshot, dropdown must be visible if you run in SLI so all videocards are identified. Rivatuner may be used if GPU-Z fails to identify videocard properly (as of 8 oct 2007) WHY I NEED TO FOLLOW OPEN ORDER?????
  8. oh , adjust topic everyday in this thread.
  9. hohoho...you are getting clooooooooooooose...congrats
  10. cheaper than hwbot sponsor I promise.
  11. Lol, sin. How many screenshots is using afterburner with different vendor's VGA card? I didn't get it.
  12. It's like your name on red color which mean this guy dead. It's about culture. Learn it before you want joking for a person.
  13. Every country culture is different. Using personal photo without agreement to make something like this shity. You are too over, massman.
  14. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=145975&postcount=17
  15. http://3dmark.com/3dm03/6455416
  16. open gpuz will crash when you are using 7970 on XP. I have some 03 single card records without GPUZ, but CCC. Will hwbot approve it before gpuz fix it? Hwbot's call. I am waiting.
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