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Everything posted by AndreYang

  1. sure, I can do it with starting cpu installing on the mobo. You should start to prepare your retirement from this oc community, include removing all of your name on all oc forum.
  2. want to bet? If I can do 6.7G 3D with livestream , can you quit from oc community? If yes, I can do it for you without any problem.
  3. yes, I had xpower already. I dont want to beat my 32M with xpower before end of this month. I want 500 USD.
  4. let me have a chance to earn 500 USD from msi contest first.
  5. I take so many 03 05 AM3 WRs with Retail W3570 and I also take 06 WRs with retail W3540. If you want to question it, you just need to search my results.
  6. I use retail W3540 and W3570 for top 1 for a while.
  7. I want to ask a simple question. If I submit 6.7G+ results with retail 980X, is this thread closed? If yes, I can do it.
  8. Hiwa follows the hwbot rule for sure. 3D can share cpu, but VGA card. He bought some cards here and "someone" helps him mod everything he wants. I know you hipro know who is someone. He is at gskill booth.
  9. wow, BZ. I saw someone has a 6.5G+ 3D retail 980X on Computex Live show.
  10. fair enough , but Limit the GPU clocks is not a good way. Some guys will cheat gpu clock, especially this is a "money" contest.
  11. hmm...interesting ideas here. fair competition=share how to mod cold slow I know BZ will hate me to submit crazy gpu clock.
  12. Are you sure Big Bang XPower is available everywhere before starting of this competition?
  13. haha.....nice score http://www.iamxtreme.net/andre/GBT-Contest.JPG http://www.iamxtreme.net/andre/GBT-Contest-1.JPG
  14. hehehe...you forgot to flash normal SOC bios which told us something.
  15. Retail 980X again:) http://hwbot.org/community/submission/992420_deux_pifast_core_i7_980x_13.16_sec
  16. hiwa took single 06 WR with retail 980X already. Any questions for retail cpu, BZ?
  17. 1 of 100 Q3FEs for 6.5G 3D. Is it lucky?
  18. It's SOC. They are already available somewhere. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125323&cm_re=5870-_-14-125-323-_-Product
  19. http://forum.nexthardware.com/overclocking-e-cpu/67310-retail-x-980-vantage-a-quota-6-giga.html It's not bad. Right?
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