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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. 5 minutes ago, bigblock990 said:

    That would need to be discussed. Like I said, I just feel simpler would be better. See below, even management approves :)

    I fully support simpler, but the points system couldn't take out number of subs in my opinion.


    Also the pdf is floating around somewhere, should be searchable.

    There we go first result:


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  2. 2 minutes ago, bigblock990 said:

    I feel right now its way too complicated, and thats why there are all these problems with broken rankings and missing scores ect. I don't have a good solution for what it should be. Just think something much simpler would be better. Maybe something like 1st = 100pts then percentage based after that, so if you score 50% as much as 1st, you get 50pts. Then you could add a simple fixed boost for top 5/10/15 whatever to keep everyone interested in pushing for that extra point or last second. 

    You'd remove the influence of the number of subs?


    Also I'd remove the amount of butthurt on the forums for a variety of reasons :D

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