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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Isn't the whole point of this update to move away from that concept? Who cares how much better you are than 2nd etc (since that's the basis for the current system)? (I personally liked the current system, actually rewarding people improving their scores even if they don't improve their placing, worth putting the effort going from 3rd to 1st etc.)
  2. "If competing vs. high scores is frustrating or non-usefull experience than I guess one needs to look for another hobby." And if you can't manage to open a couple of cpu-z screens then..... haha.
  3. Just thought I'd pop in again to say love the drama, AU guys never disappoint. One of the few times I'm agreeing with the AU side, although I didn't realise the Giga vs Asus thing, it's all luck of the draw with binning chips from intel, not about the board I think but people like to fight over stupid stuff so I say let them Also whilst I agree with 1 and 3 from pro, you could do with looking at the way you come across and maybe tweak it if you want people to take you seriously. Telling people what they're going to do, stating opinions as facts, just being plain rude etc
  4. Didn't realise this was an issue, it's been allowed for as long as I can remember, it's allowed for other benches so why wouldn't it be for this? Gives people a better chance of needing less binning, instead of 1 core holding back 7 good ones for example. If people really do care then having two categories is reasonable, but don't see any logic getting rid of the current one.
  5. Oh when I looked earlier it didn't complain when I tried 1EUR but maybe if I'd filled out my details and clicked go it would have then.
  6. You can always donate less if you don't want to give the 10EUR a month. Don't see why patreon can't be used in this fashion, allows people to more directly support something they enjoy.
  7. I'm not particularly opposed to having them public or private as long as they're all treated the same, doesn't matter who's doing them.
  8. Depending which WR you're meaning, Leeg was informed of whatever tweak(s) were used to get it, unless you're on the side of tweaks should be made public in which case there are some other WRs that I think would have the same issue
  9. If this were to be not be allowed one would have to question what about others, why was the intel opencl (I think that's the right one?) allowed for gpupi, potentially even worse are unknown tweaks such as Rauf's win7 01 tweak that gives a clear boost. I'm not necessarily against drawing a line somewhere, but you've got to know where/have a good reason for choosing it.
  10. I mean people use different driver versions, and very specific OS installs, ripping out all sorts of parts which are 'standard', so this comes across to me at least as fine on initial reading. Not even editing the files just swapping them, so surely something like modifying drivers to work with other cards would be more 'shady' but people have no problems with that it seems? (getting newer cards to run on xp for example)
  11. How are you submitting the score, I can't see anything that showed somebody changed it.
  12. Please not another cinebench.
  13. Not a beer drinker but will definitely be up for a meetup if the move works out
  14. I'm looking to sell one of mine, whereabouts are you based?
  15. Haha will do. Slight price drop, wouldn't mind keeping it so in no rush to sell
  16. I personally wouldn't say so, looks fairly different to me.
  17. Hi all, As above, needing to slim the herd a little and figure someone else would make better use of it than me at the moment. Hasn't had any use for a while now, but you can look at my profile to see where it may have been used, I've got two so can't remember which pot I used for which sub I'm afraid! I'll include the probe if wanted, good down to fullpot if I remember correctly but no way of testing that at the moment. Looking for £220 £210 £200 + shipping, I'm based in the UK.
  18. Hopefully this chip can have some justice done now ?
  19. I think that's fine, you'd have to deliberately scroll down to see the score, definitely don't think it's being deliberately hidden/serves any benefit etc.
  20. You vote saying you want it to stay the same but then say you want it to change? ?
  21. Nah all about making the big changes in one go, instead of having lots of complaints as each change comes in, get them all out of the way
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