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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. 4 hours ago, richba5tard said:

    Thanks George!

    - edit:

    Okay, triggering a recalc of position #1 fixes this, but now I've got to find out how it was possible that the points decreased all of the sudden. I think the most likely scenario is someone submitted a wrong pifast world record (eg 8 seconds), which triggered a full recalc with a new WR to compare to (making everyone lose points). After that, the submission got deleted, and the rankings did not recalculate (which they should). That is my current hypothesis which I'm trying to reproduce. Just thinking out loud so you guys now what is going on. :)

    This actually relates to something I've thought for a while ever since I signed up to get the emails of new WRs etc.

    Maybe new WRs/GFP scores need mod/admin approval? Stops people having stupid points on the front page with a completely invalid score, and if it does also cause this then it would stop that as well. Obviously would mean they don't get their score straight away but if a popup could appear when the sub is made to explain because it's a new WR/GFP or whatever it requires admin approval I think it would be ok?

  2. 4 hours ago, Shadyreaper said:

    well that sucks then anyway you look at it you can only compete in one division and either your gonna get full points or half of just that division is stupid AF then there is no reason to compete in other divisions which is gonna end up upsetting people til they quit so now you are being forced into one challenger division even tho all your points in my eyes should be halved unless you pick a certain division then you should get full points for that division and half for the rest not just half of the division they are trying to force on you do you think its fair to force people to only compete in 1 division to get points and their other hard work in others dont get counted??? hell that section is clearly labeled Road to Pro Division points so I dont see how only D3 counts when I have other RTP points the system is broken to me it just doesnt seem right that only half your points of a single division is counted unless you pick a division and what happens when you do that do you get the full point for like say D3 I pick what about the rest of my hard work in other divisions thats just fluff right? wasted time? HWBot is falling apart the next rounds of challenger arent even posted and shouldnt the next rounds start the 1st in 2 days they arent even updated in the oc-esports page :( Im not trying to bitch and complain here I am just stating facts about what I see here and how the points for that should work cause right now its broken I love competing with all you guys its what makes HWBot fun and I dont wanna see HWBot end up in the ditch 

    Much in the same way only the top 15 globals and top 40 hw count towards your total, they changed it to only 1 div, and then half of that as otherwise other comps were completely swamped by the road to pro series, and it just massively favoured those with lots of hw, and I think they wanted to avoid that a little, since the global and hw rankings often favour those.


    oc-esports is an extra thing that came about I don't know when, and currently isn't a priority due to the limited people who are 'working' at hwbot I believe.

  3. New thread as I couldn't edit my previous one.

    As title says, looking to sell my z270 apex (which has done me very well) because I'm wanting to go back to team yellow.

    Picture of it next to my x299 Apex (also for sale), insulated with white plastidip (so it looks pretty great!). Looking for £150.




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