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Everything posted by Splave

  1. seems 05 has issues over 1060 core is this a know fact?
  2. for elite league.... Top 15 Global (681.1) Top 20 HW (672.8) WR points (115) Competition points (437) Correct? I should have 1905.9 if this is right... I currently have 1869. Ive added others scores as well some are wrong some are right. Any ideas? I have forced recalculation 3 times. How does the algorithm add wrong?
  3. time to forget about benching 580s haha godzira card
  4. how much will you pay for a p55 classy Shipping will be too expensive I think
  5. Not whining, legit points are being made. I feel as though low clock has been pushed to help the little guy but these are self governed and based on trust which is not a perfect system for competition
  6. There are more bad things! This is the dirty laundry thread. Let's air it out so we can move forward. Gogogo Sam can you be more specific.
  7. So seems the community is very cut-throat these days and I have some questions... How can we grow when everyone is behind the scenes cutting eachother down? Why is it the better results you post the more you are hated? (IE 8 pack, dancop etc) If I find a tweak why is it okay for you to ask me for it like I owe it to you? If I spend weeks tuning and tweaking my system because I have to to survive with little to no support / no binned cards etc handed to me, why would I tell you how to beat me? I have lots of "friends" that come around when they need something....(we all do) If you sign a "contract" in overclocking you are gaining now but loosing down the line and ruining things for the future. (not a questions its a statement) You are actually worth way more than they are giving you trust me. Why do we all hate 8 pack and roman because they work at caseking now who cares, better yourself and get a better job Anyone anything else to add, lets get it all in the open so we can move on!
  8. Very nice! hows cache on air? 5ghz/5ghz 32m dream CPU???
  9. Un-tested cold, never insulated etc. Fresh card. Box and accessories included. Original part number version before they changed it. $600 shipped USA International PM me
  10. Ticket ID: 1950 Priority: Medium Got 2nd not 4th, gettings points for 4th. \r\n\r\n
  11. Im in, why not will just take a couple extra seconds of my time any id like to know as well.
  12. rarely do my profile points add up to what I get manually with a calculator lol Ive done the recalculate a couple times. Sometimes its right sometimes its not....
  13. I'm a fan of xtu, tweakable bench for sure
  14. Ahh this sucks, sorry to hear. Too bad the USA is so stringent "protecting" us. Shame
  15. How much for X2 555
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