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Everything posted by Splave

  1. oops, rebenched my 670 seems it had a bit left...oh well with no ln2 470 score would have made little difference
  2. How much did you pay ney roman lmao good choice IMO. Personally going to prepare better for next year and go super hard. Merry Christmas !
  3. Take it how ever you want man. Your opinion is it is the way to do things. I think it's for cowards and not just because our scores got raped lol I don't personally think you're a d-bag man. If I did I wouldn't be fighting to get your score posted back up
  4. I guess rules are rules can't use wprime 2.0 either....this is a tough spot for mods...I already know my countries stance we don't want the points for this stage if scores are pulled please pull ours as well. Too many guys working hard with no sleep shouldn't be punished on a formality. Why is 1.00 banished though might be good to know.
  5. Sand bag is a b1tch move IMO but it is what it is. Not really good oc spirit. Feels more like a weasel sneaking in at the end. Why not tell us the hardware and then gives us the 1 hour a few months later when we should submit. Should be good for web traffic etc And that being said, nothing you can do about it. Giving points etc for being first at certain points wont work I think.
  6. my guess is hwbot prime Carl probably nailed p55 with proper vcore
  7. lmao stock mem FTW BRO Glad it worked okay. Real Thanks goes to Roman for teaching me step by step how to perform the mods. What temp did you end up running at loud? PS kill and RMA that cpu already
  8. MERRY Christmas Hopefully there are some 780TI Under the tree
  9. yessss, the only bench we have a chance....requires no mem tweaking etc Slapping on an epower does not just make every card good btw, dude nailed it in every sense of the phrase. Wicked setup.
  10. It's up to loud now lol but congrats to Germany we need 37k for 670 and 570 with our 25k 470 score so I know at least they have beaten us among others I'm sure
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