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Everything posted by Splave

  1. sounds great mate @ Kenny: Only purpose of the thread was to show how to bug it so it will be fixed and how we can help make it more secure Sorry we broke it hehe
  2. ok ok ok XP64 -Set Background Process Priority and dont thank me anyone
  3. Here is a screenshot not to make you angry but to show you how to bug UCBench to run stupid high. using -ri7 after the instruction set I would say 1 in 10 runs will be buggy like this In the screenshot you will see its not there because I erased it before taking it. I think the answer to this is to require a valid link for top 20 in each category. The valid link will show the actual string you used in the command line.
  4. I'd kill a baby for something that did 5.9ghz
  5. just got 3339B521 from RMA will try today (4930k)
  6. just let me know
  7. Vaseline is fine. No accessories needed. Shipped to ny 14004
  8. thought you were selling TI for a moment
  9. cant believe how efficient the board is -98cbb -155CB running like a champ
  10. Doug for president! couldnt agree more, this is not the new pcmark05 its the new 3dmar01
  11. hey try thermspy! for p0 state
  12. glad im not alone, sorry for the thread crapping btw
  13. is this a google app?
  14. did you tell them what its for? thats crazy where are you from?
  15. I have heard rumors that it is possible haswell will not have CB on z97 motherboards, dont take my word for it though
  16. giga is way faster for me wtf? h55 vs p55? or nf200 slow? All I got for now, forgot to do the CB/CBB mod shuts down at -70c lol
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