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Everything posted by Splave

  1. thanks, couldnt get a clean run in at 6.3 so this dirty one will have to suffice for now till I can find a better chippie.
  2. ^this CPU is better than mine, there are cray cray backups 12 chips in total
  3. OMG thats my score at 6.4 the giga efficiency :D mine will arrive today
  4. btw you effectively removed vince from the competition lol!
  5. we are waiting for that fine ass german build quality
  6. true but try 61/62/63 you may be surprised
  7. can you clarify if these are legal procedures or not? 1.Setting Un-select-able core counts? 2.Setting Decimals? 3. & 4. Adding a Pause to the .BAT and or Running the .BAT directly then opening the launcher after the bench is over (not detectable as results file is still written so I think it should be allowed)
  8. Im not exactly a moron, seems there are quite a few of us that cant
  9. waiting for 999999 result still man
  10. I understand on intel to use SSE3 and set specific thread counts but come on....how can scores be so different at the exact same clocks running the exact same hardware... This is not a skill bench its a luck bench and IMO that is a waste for getting points in the CPU category. On the other hand HWBPrime is excellent! I just dont get how this UCbench program was selected to get points.... Maybe someone can fill me in.
  11. pretty sure CPU tests doesnt add to score...
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