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Everything posted by Splave

  1. imo this just feels not good this year, too much questioning, too many rules, im just kinda like meh. why make it so you can find loopholes to exploit when it should just be about the benching. good luck round 2 guys
  2. http://blog.chembark.com/2013/06/18/awful-idea-liquid-nitrogen-at-a-pool-party/
  3. I still dont think you get what im saying lol
  4. ^ let alone very drunk people and a swimming pool
  5. I think you misunderstood, say you and I are alway teammates. And I know you will make it to final and take me. Why would I bench too? I wouldnt. But now you and I would both have to bench to go. That is why there is more submissions, not because people prefer this format.
  6. Funny how not being able to bring a teammate this year increase the number of participants...Might it be because strong teams are now dividing into 2 and both members are submitting hmmm
  7. Yikes. Good to read these sorts of things. Helps you remember to respect it.
  8. ^bwahahaha
  9. anyone want to buy and z87 mpower? I kid I kid
  10. I heard that 75% of the time, costa rican 4770ks are good, every time....
  11. i'll just leave this here..... massmeme time
  12. http://hwbot.org/submission/2388521_splave_rom_superpi___32m_core_i7_4770k_5min_56sec_16ms?recalculate=true Cache voltage 1.250, SA +.400, AIO .250, DIO .300, Vccin 2.3, try playing with some of the other voltages
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