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Everything posted by Splave

  1. ^ let alone very drunk people and a swimming pool
  2. I think you misunderstood, say you and I are alway teammates. And I know you will make it to final and take me. Why would I bench too? I wouldnt. But now you and I would both have to bench to go. That is why there is more submissions, not because people prefer this format.
  3. Funny how not being able to bring a teammate this year increase the number of participants...Might it be because strong teams are now dividing into 2 and both members are submitting hmmm
  4. Yikes. Good to read these sorts of things. Helps you remember to respect it.
  5. ^bwahahaha
  6. anyone want to buy and z87 mpower? I kid I kid
  7. I heard that 75% of the time, costa rican 4770ks are good, every time....
  8. i'll just leave this here..... massmeme time
  9. http://hwbot.org/submission/2388521_splave_rom_superpi___32m_core_i7_4770k_5min_56sec_16ms?recalculate=true Cache voltage 1.250, SA +.400, AIO .250, DIO .300, Vccin 2.3, try playing with some of the other voltages
  10. Too much diet coke makes a man crazy
  11. 1k for a binned is vs. 3 tries on your own! I don't have any man. Haswell is not for me unless its at 5ghz
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