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Everything posted by Splave

  1. write someone you dont like as the username, boom problem solved
  2. gonna freedom all over the place
  3. ahh I think I see now, what I mean is with the ney pro I find it hard to tighten the plates around the memory. perhaps the eraser is helping you hold it to the sticks while you tighten
  4. "atleast buy me a drink first" lmao
  5. intresting way of using the ney pro, how do you manage a tight fit on the sticks? I always feel as hard as I try they are still fairly loose surrounding my memory heat spreaders. nice results
  6. you in deep shit man?
  7. not a good sign man, they seem too good on air to be good one cold lol!
  8. can use whatever you want man, x79 and z77
  9. should have erased the names as well wait till you see the monster peter has built
  10. fourty-for-twenty imo is a better deal
  11. how can you run the bench 5 times back to back and get verrrry different scores without changing any settings? that is broken on amd imo
  12. l0ud is like a 32m bro to me, I have some of his sticks as we speak and plan on sending him some of mine. 32m guys must stick together
  13. I just feel like its broken on AMD atm, maybe wait till there is atleast one patch/revision before diving in
  14. none of them atm and how do we know GENiEBEN wont hackzor the poll? he breaks everything else
  15. haha who is this man
  16. ^lol
  17. ASROCK booth for me, idk about others
  18. 31st to 9th for me, hope I get to meet every one of you in person
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