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Everything posted by packet

  1. if you guys are scrapping benchmarks that are 5 years old does that mean 06 is next? cut next year in theory?
  2. you obviously have never been in a Team environment Your team is only as strong as your weakest link..Meaning as a team you elevate the weaker players to achieve more than they ever could...its called leadership
  3. i have snapped so many kingpins in my day its not funny
  4. plug your lappy into a monitor and run 06 again at default res....and you wont go wrong
  5. Kal-EL's back in the game!
  6. awesome work..cant wait to see gpu on cold!!
  7. they wont do that ...hes using jedi mind tricks....answering a question with question ( i hope)
  8. i disagree with the ruling on you can share for 3D with cpu, but there are always two sides to a coin i would probably agree with the rule if i were in a team environment with 40 gulfies and a ln2 truck maybe if there could be a team submission if they were sharing, were the points/cups don't go to the individual but to the team, then the decision is left up-to them.....idk just a thought. edit: scratch that as it would still be on the honor system
  9. it looks like your still 3rd...there may have been a submission for the top 3 places that got deleted and the bot is catching up
  10. the level of deception with this has been a bombshell Monstru people are just venting and its healthy to vent.... i looked up to both Hiwa and Andre.
  11. i had same problem..i couldnt make my submissions "public" ...emailed them ...anyone else having issues?
  12. should break out a bottle of vodka and have a shot out of each one! maybe 2 bottles that pic is unreal
  13. thanks for all your help in the past Tin ...you are the core of the oc community!
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