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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/sm871/
  2. List of CPUs allowed for this category: Pentium Gold G5500 Pentium Gold G5500T Pentium Gold G5600 Core i3-8100T Core i3-8100 Core i3-8300T Core i3-8300 Core i3-8350K In GPU-Z: Device ID 8086 3E91
  3. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/cs32_tc/ https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/916pea_l/ - added as Canyon according to some Russian pages P4C800-E - please use existing category, no new category because of revision change. Only exception ever made was some nforce boards where the northbridge changed with newer revs and CPU-Z was able to detect. Same problem with your chinese boards. Almost no CPU-Z support and lots of multiple revs. I will try to find a general solution but will take some time.
  4. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/0jfwg5/
  5. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/pm9b1/
  6. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/2acf/
  7. moved from add hardware thread. Please upload your result manually to hwbot, there are multiple different CPUs with same name so there is right now no way to automatically pick the correct category.
  8. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/m4n78_vm/
  9. I was not part of the discussion but from my knowledge on this topic: - costs for BM are way higher than money comes from patreon - supporting s 775 is a huge task, because of dozens of different platforms - workforce however is needed on supporting the newest platforms, because they have the highest priority - BM is not needed for 775, you can submit without it (except CB23) Mat is doing this as volunteer, so he decides on what he wants to work. I think it should be known in general, that telling someone how he has to spend his freetime is not a fine move. btw, BM 11.3 should support s775 to some point again.
  10. Dali is a native 2 core design and probably a step between Raven Ridge and Picasso. Otherwise AMD wouldnt be so confused by themselves with their product specifications. It was before introduced as Banded Kestrel for Embedded CPUs:
  11. Well if you delidd it, you should find a Raven Ridge core under IHS if its faked its still a Dali core.
  12. The point is, does AMD fool us with their CPU-ID again or is it this time Raven Ridge for real (thus qualify for a new category)? In 2019 german Computerbase already revealed that C6M20FH was used for Athlon 300GE. AMD said this CPU is 12nm, so everybody thought it is Picasso. They still say that for the PRO part: https://www.amd.com/de/product/8896 However the Athlon 300 non-pro part is Dali: https://www.amd.com/en/product/8986 I doubt that there are any physical difference between those parts. 3000G is still Picasso according to AMD and also C6M20FH, how can that be?: https://www.amd.com/en/product/8956 Back to the 3000G topic: I just went through some of the subs in our db: It dont find any ID other than Model 8 Ext. Model 18. So @unityofsaints is your CPU new? If so, the news from videocardz must be wrong. AMD didnt update the core of 3000G from Dali to Raven Ridge, they actually downgraded it. edit: This seems to be all Dali CPUs. However some are still marked as Picasso. Anyway I will need to go through this list by myself and fix some db elements.
  13. Its correct, in this cases we make new categories. However things look strange here. Initially released, this CPU was branded by AMD as Picasso but 14nm on the spec page. But die shots reveal, it couldnt be Raven Ridge (14nm). Newer versions of CPU-Z now corrected them to Dali. Also Picasso was 12nm. However news indicate, that AMD updated the core from Raven Ridge to Dali. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-has-a-new-box-for-its-14nm-2-core-athlon-3000g-desktop-cpu Now the confusion is complete, as 3000G was actually Dali from begin, or not? Judging from submissions in our db, they didnt changed the core just in the last days... I guess only IHS removal could help here if really a new core is under the hood. edit: I remember I wrote Franck in 2020 to change the displayed core in CPU-Z:
  14. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/fjnbb29/ - already there but corrected chipset https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ms_6526/
  15. Is there any difference to the stock 6900HS? Sadly looks like this is just a rebranded CPU especially for Lenovo.
  16. All sources say KM266 Pro https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/biostar-m7vig-400 https://www.biostar-usa.com/mbdetails.asp?model=M7VIG 400 CPU-Z seems bogus
  17. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/ace_a55/
  18. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/l_ig41m__l_ig41m2__l_ig41m3_lenovo_g41/ Bad CPU-Z support for this. I renamed an existing category, as CPU-Z valids dont display anything useable.
  19. Sorry guys. No mobile stuff gets added anymore. All mobile scores will be deleted in the future.
  20. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/s100_(biostar)/
  21. https://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/efficeon_tm8600/ https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/volari_xp5/
  22. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/tr200/ https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/ultimate_su650_(ssd)/
  23. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/cs900/
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