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Everything posted by Hazzan

  1. you have promising chip ..... I have so many tested 3770K in my experience if on air cooling lower than 1.26 volt 5Ghz 4C/8T in OS that chip have capable 6.9ghz 1C
  2. hi Om Roy....try using my method maybe will help boot from bios 45x106 Vcore 4770Ghz 1.25 volt 4C/8T and then on OS raise up to 5ghz without raise Vcore....run SPI 1M if pass...that chip 80% have capable 6.9ghz the problem is just CB and CBB.
  3. VGPU 1.72 Volt load and temp -120 load..... seem like need more to cold on GPU when VGPU more than 1.7 volt.
  4. 1.8Ghz 3770K @4.7Ghz on air cooling .....testing only left 5L LN2 wiill continued tomorrow
  5. imagine red with MVE....lol
  6. I bench my own ...but lets make simple if you are mind I will remove my score..well I have 3 Chip 6.9XX Ghz. actually 4 but die one
  7. Testing : Core i7 3770K Patriot Sector 5 19200C9 ADATA SSD ANTEC PSU ASUS GTX 580 Matrix
  8. Last week ago I recived Package from Nick Shih ( Asrock ) when I open the new one ASRock Z77 OC Formula..he said to me " try it you will be like it "..so far tested on air cooling have promising. Some result on hwbot using with this board ..HKEPC OC Team and Nick Shih. I will testing later on this weekend after LN2 have stock again in my city.. here some detail this Motherboard OC Button : Rapid OC buttong new feature from Asrock DUAL BIOS ... 8 Pin + 4 Pin For Huge deliver CPU Voltage..
  9. I saw lately a lot of ocer from iran have great result...Congcrat awesome jobs.
  10. ho ho ho ho ....... my card still be fine boot -100 I was lucky at this time...
  11. Nice Jobs Jon......awesome
  12. 1.95 Ghz .....hell yeahhh
  13. as I said you will getting good score 3D 06...awesome my friend
  14. thats run with 1.0.3 if run with 1.0.1 will be higher more than 19K he he he he
  15. I think this chip more than enough right on physix score............hu hu hu hu hu http://3dmark.com/3dm11/3763915
  16. I think you dont have lucky with malay chips Goddy.......ha ha ha
  17. 6.7 - 6.8 Detected chip....nice one.. my chip on air cooling 5 Ghz just need 1.235 volt 4C/8T L215B
  18. Nice one RRRRRoberto... I have one 7970 ASIC LOWER score 58%....but not promising run under LN2
  19. just wait until midle on this month....
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