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Everything posted by elmor

  1. Glad to It's terrible and everyone should know it, almost didn't upload it
  2. Just a good chip, shows what's possible. I'd expect higher soon
  3. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Does anyone have a screenshot of this? The billing phone number should be ordered before entering the Paypal portal. Is it because of a mismatch in order billing information and paypal billing information? edit: Seems to be related to directly checking out with Paypal from the "Cart" page, this option is removed now.
  4. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Hmm not sure why that is. Anyone else had issues? One option could also be to create an account before placing the order, any captcha requirement should be removed after logging in.
  5. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Many other orders have been processed ok so probably an issue on your side, or a temporary error. Possibly try from a different client/network. If it can't be solved, you can choose the bank transfer option and do a custom Paypal transfer. That would be a last resort as it's more troublesome for me to process it manually.
  6. elmor

    eVc ordering

    All orders have been shipped either yesterday or today, except for 3 using DHL which did not specify a phone number. DHL requires it, I've contacted those affected and their orders will ship as soon as it's provided. I wasn't aware of this so entering a phone number wasn't required at the time. Also sorting out the tracking numbers and will forward them asap.
  7. elmor

    eVc ordering

    It's shipped directly from the factory in Shenzhen. I hope there won't be any issues, if there still is I'll do my best to try to help you solve it.
  8. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Thanks man! I hope it will be useful for you
  9. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Hardware is ready and I was just setting up the web shop. Someone already placed an order somehow, so I suppose it's time to go live. Software still needs improvements, added functionality and additional device support. It can be considered being in a very beta state at the moment. The SPI Flash part for reading/writing BIOS chips is the part that's furthest developed and is working very well. https://www.elmorlabs.com/index.php/shop/ Let me know if you have any issues with ordering or questions about the product.
  10. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Not quite ready for Computex. The price should be ~35 USD excluding the display which is a $5 add-on.
  11. elmor

    eVc ordering

  12. elmor

    eVc ordering

    It's not always the same, but what I've seen the most and what the evc uses is: 1 - GND (square) 2 - SDA 3 - SCL
  13. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Getting there
  14. elmor

    eVc ordering

    First test from the factory test video.mp4
  15. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Yes, sorry things are going slowly. A very limited number of samples have gone out for development testing. Also got the first pictures from the factory where I've ordered an initial batch. Unfortunately they messed some things up and will delay this another week or so while they produce a new PCB. Here it is in action: https://youtu.be/Fbw1CZp-GNE?t=381 Quick specs: - 3x I2C headers working at 3.3-5.0V - 1x UART header, TX 3.3V RX 3.3-5.0V - 1x SPI header 0.8-3.6V with on-board controllable LDO for feeding power - VMOD header which is essentially the same as ROG Hotwire (sense and modify the feedback circuit of a voltage controller) - Built-in USB bootloader for firmware upgrades (essentially unbrickable) - Micro-USB cable for connecting to the PC Bundled: - 3-pin 2.54mm to 3-pin 2.54mm 40cm cable (I2C/UART) - 2x 3-pin 2.54mm to open end cable (I2C/UART) - 2x 2-pin 2.54mm to open end cable (VMOD) - 1x 1-pin 2.54mm to open end cable (Ground) - SPI cable for Asus motherboards - SPI cable for MSI motherboards - SPI cable for Asrock motherboards (SOIC8 test clip can be bought separately for Gigabyte boards, they don't have headers for flashing) Additional info: - I2C1 supports I2C listening/sniffing to figure out what's being sent on the bus it's connected to, which is very useful for figuring out how to talk to undocumented ICs - I2C3 supports SSD1306 128x64px I2C OLED displays as seen in Roman's video for displaying various information (optional add-on) - The SPI header is targeted for external BIOS flashing. Can be very useful for flashing mod-BIOSes or recovery. Can also be used to update the EC firmware on some boards.
  16. elmor

    eVc ordering

    A little bit of progress, this is already quite a few revisions in...
  17. I replaced some of the ACPI tables with tables from M9A, after adding ACPI support for up to 16 threads using the methods described at the win-raid forum. IIRC only DSDT and SSDT were replaced.
  18. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Hardware design is pretty much done, firmware and software have basic functionality. The earliest I could have something close to final would be end of January.
  19. Boot performance mode = Turbo performance should fix ratio issues
  20. BIOS 1704 modified for Windows XP ACPI support https://1drv.ms/u/s!Atmpv-6qHr_6o9hDCg_c2HDTGFUr7g Rename to M10A.CAP and flash using USB BIOS Flashback. Using EZFlash will not work. Edit: Set Boot Performance Mode = Turbo Performance to be able to change ratio in the OS
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