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Everything posted by Dry_Ice777

  1. Hello! Plz add: Hewlett-Packard 216C
  2. Very nice! How long does such varnish insulation allow you to benchmark at this temperature on the processor?
  3. Excellent mounts, excellent job, as ever)
  4. Why not? :D How long did this test take? ))
  5. Very good result, GJ ;) Are AGP-slot working properly?
  6. Hi! plz add: JSL Camellia_JL
  7. Thanks a lot) Неа, ничего не делал, тупо в стоке. Нашел одну особенность, которой и воспользовался, а так бы выше 303 не ушел, благо не торопился и время было попробовать разные опции))
  8. Hi plz add: MACHCREATOR NL5xRU
  9. 11 years... The legend... And something tells me that this is not the end :D
  10. Every single day on today`s top 10-20 benchmark scores, good job ?
  11. Hi plz add: Intel ChiefRiver and Asus X556UQ
  12. Hi plz add: Asus X540YA
  13. Hi plz add: Asus X541NA
  14. Hi plz add: MSI H370 GAMING PLUS (MS-7B22)
  15. Hi! Plz add: DNS MT50IN1
  16. Hi pls add: Grantsdale from Foxconn
  17. HI plz add: Intel B75
  18. HI plz add: ASUS X550ZE
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