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Everything posted by Dry_Ice777

  1. Awesome result!!! very good 2*2GB RAM ;D
  2. OMG, only with SS. Great score ;-)
  3. Hi Massman. I have a couple of sentences about your idea: 1. 3 weeks = 1 season (I think it is the best time solution). 2. There are 2-3 competitions in 1 season. 3. So that more people were able to show themselvesn in teams, don't make competitons only on top-end hardware. Also would like to compete in some old hardware too (purely personal desire ) That is, you give tasks, within team determines who distributes what will be engaged. Competitions with old hardwre will be good for teams, who haven't have LGA2011 & 4*HD7970 K404, as I understand you, we can make up a formula for calculating points. That is what was filed before the final result, the more chances to win It is not necessary to submit the best possible result. You can make the weaker result, but in the first day and you can win the stage.
  4. Nice result, nice GPU's. You need a lot of LN2, I think
  5. Nice result Crosshair V is best of the best
  6. +1 And it's very sad for all of us
  7. Congratulations to Poland. Very good results. Great start, but Russia has no intention of giving up;) ryba
  8. slamms, nice work and foto. Especially liked the signature on the photo
  9. Anyway, incredible clocks When the zombies go on sale?
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