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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. Awesome dude the men clock is the killer here, need both core and member for 5200+
  2. keep representing for AU paulie d
  3. nice dude, looking like a good score for the clocks, this is a harder bench than it first seems
  4. i've booked a benching place at the hwbot event we were thinking of doing a 4-way X79 rig, hopefully we dont chew through too much juice
  5. LOL Dancop i guess everyone has different expectations to what is a good benchmark, for me this is a great benchmark this benchmark scales with many different hardware adjustments, likes clocks, scales with tweaks, IMHO this is a great benchmark, sitting in the same category as heaven, 3dmark01, 3dmark03, as benchmarks that can be attacked from many different angles, and it is extremely consistent for me, i get maybe 300 point variances in this bench, with vantage i get over 1k from run to run do we really want every benchmark just to be who has the best equipment? do people only like benchmarks like firestrike-e? in this day of no modding required, surely that only shows who bins the most equipment, nothing more
  6. strong result dude, looking good, heaven close to 5000 single is very difficult
  7. there is a strong possibility that may occur, 100K Vantage?
  8. i kept trying, but best video i have is of 97.1 or something, i actually thought this run looked shit after gt1 so didnt video
  9. great run benchbros, nothing wrong with this bench or this run, just put some time in guys and work out consistency, it seems there is always big opposition to any benchmark that requires effort? it has the odd bug like any benchmark, but overall it is very consistent
  10. awesome, ill be there for the after benching/clowning too very glad to hear your coming leggy
  11. backup coming friday? is it a backup or are you rebenching, im confused lol
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