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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. The idea is to upgrade to the new CPU
  2. One does not simply ignore a god George I hope all is going well for you, we all hope you will be back for some 01 one day mate
  3. Ok royalty has spoken, make it so
  4. Amen preach to them brother
  5. I'm sure the pro oc cup will be lots of fun, best of luck to all the teams
  6. What questionable actions outside the forum occurred?
  7. Hey Pieter you got the wrong idea, we totally support the idea of pro cup but just don't have time to participate, Also these are certainly not personal attack and if perceived as so then sorry not what I/we meant Our position and what all of us thought was happening when you said f1oc style was that cup is run contemporaneously with the league yes we support pro oc cup and I hope it thrives
  8. looks awesome guys, have a beer for me please Petri/Nicky/Dusan
  9. thats some absolute bull right there, if i didn't get done on a pure technicality, using a launcher to start 3d06, which after all nearly every guy does when they launch pifast (think the greek written pi launcher), then we would of won f1oc, sacha never had a chance team.au is just a bunch of guys wanting to have fun and taking pride in the benchmark results we release, guys that have supported HWBOT where possible and always thought up until now HWBOT listened to our and the communities opinion
  10. trust fester to stir up some trouble
  11. haha thats awesome
  12. so just to clarify, I have no league now? im not allowed in OC league
  13. im staying a couple extra days, prepare you drinking stomach Andre lol
  14. by who? the HWBOT business team? when you asked for feedback, you were really just asking for validation of your idea, people gave you feedback, you ignore it ALL, full stop, no arguments, end of story so teams like Team.AU OClab either choose the pro cup, or leave HWBOT, ok...
  15. so Pieter, obviously the rules for entering the overclockers league will change now right? Team.AU doesnt have the time or resources to compete in the new Pro OC cup and we use engineering sample hardware, so will this be opened up and if so what are the implications for all the oc league guys? Or have we been discarded from HWBOT as a result of this Pro OC cup, I like you pj and I don't want to take away from all the hours yourself and Rich have put in effortlessly building HWBOT but you are totally kidding yourself if you are saying this is a community thing, everyone except you can see its about a business and making money. And the proof? The fact nearly every single person has asked for pro oc league to stay and you have removed it. The community don't feel like this is a community project anymore and what you have to realize is this isn't an invincible site, remember what happened to XS? I want HWBOT to succeed and have made my position clear that I want to support the movement, but a community driven movement, not something with $ figure in mind. Please consider our opinions
  16. It was great catching up with all my mates again, Dean (deanzo), James(youngpro), Carl(SniperOz), Jono (Uncle Fester), Jack (JJJC) and Kayl... Dinos22
  17. Thank you all, 01 was a lot of fun and we decided to leave it for another time as we only had a couple of days to do some benching, hence had some 3D06, heaven vantage, 11, 03 and other things to try. There is another K left in it. Can't wait to have another crack again!
  18. hey guys i need to decided in the next couple days on my flights, a couple of us want to get an idea if its worth us staying a few extra days and hanging out, if anyone is planning on staying past computex for leisure post it up and rough dates if you have them
  19. Not a bug but a suggestion, allow screenshot save without having to press open button, quicker and safer fir me to open those windows myself
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