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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. this happens because XTU isn't even a real benchmark, i been saying this for years i appreciate there is a component of XTU that is a benchmark, but I get the impression the measured CPU MHz is included in the benchmark calculation we have seen repeatedly over the life of XTU, when the GHz measurement is off, the score is skewed and this issue keeps coming up we were playing with this during country cup and were able to almost skew any score we wanted by fiddling with that realtime, but there is always the telling factor of the GHz measurement being wrong in my long standing opinion, XTU should be removed from pointed/competition benchmarks until Intel revise the mathematics behind it. it may be to give some sort of "efficiency" calculation, which im all for, but it shouldn't impact on the score at all
  2. No srsly keep it coming Bullant, were all having a laugh that your all sad Matt beat your effic in 32m
  3. people are allowed to bench together though, matt may or may not have made that result if he benched alone this is country cup, the whole idea is to get together as a team, share ideas, share knowledge and work together at our event we continually had pros like sniper, bobnz and dino helping less experienced overclockers achieve results they never would have on their own at home this is what country cup is all about and for me thats what makes it the best competition of each year
  4. Bullant would kill you if he had this chip dude
  5. the door on the oc lab just exploded when it saw these scores
  6. youve realized the potential we all knew you had, epic work dude, super proud right now
  7. LOL I include XA in the POS category with Ian, he will get no apology from me, ever
  8. you didnt try skydiver then mate lol
  9. ejoela was on fire for the last 2 days
  10. You don't if you want the best scores in both
  11. Agree with Monstru XTU is super buggy and is at that point where its impossible to tell what's real and what's bugged
  12. time to bench legacies again soon I think sof
  13. Mr Event is back on his shit, good to see you on the latest 3DMark as always man
  14. I'm sure Lam will provide the required information to HWBOT and they will make an informed decision in due course I just want clarified what is OK/acceptable and what isn't, then we can all play with the same accepted rules
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