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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. lol more credible than mentioning your name.... msYFRONTS
  2. sure why not me and deanzo have no idea how to OC .......
  3. why do feel disspointed patrick ?? I have only told the truth. you told us all cpu were binned , when myself and deanzo cpu could not do over 5.2 and team indo could not even do 5.2. yet team china cpu could do 5.5. these are facts, I see no reason why you should be upset or dissapointed I am not, we made finals with bad cpu. hahaha sorry if I dissapoint you.
  4. lmao yeah I think spi32 challenge should be limited to OC genie overcrocking only ...... no probrem....
  5. Yes they did, MSI told us the cpu were all binned, they said same thing to tim marshall the judge in APAC.
  6. I will take the part of pre binned cpu's with a grain of salt as they said the same thing at MOA APAC and there were 4 chips that could not even do 5.2ghz with others doing 5.5 plus , there was definatly no binning. As for arrival times i will be in taipei on 5/10 AT 1330PM, leaving on the 9/10 at 1830pm
  7. Thanks guys nearly had some great runs off at 1675/1300 but had the dreaded CRACK hit in GT3 hope to have to revisit soon.
  8. Wow nice 1 man, killing it, very nice efficiency.
  9. jesus christ chispy, your losing the plot mate, wtf is happening to you. you are very quickly losing all your credibility and respect, you seem to want call everyone out. by your post you seem to think you know something and could cause james trouble which is complete bullshit, you know nothing, I have watched james bench and everything he does is legit.
  10. wow im sorry chispy, i should have read this before i posted, But WTF just becasue you cannot figure out this bench out you want it banned??? , oh ffs i cant figure out a good run order for 01 i say lets ban it because dino and vince kick my arse, jesus mate i know you have been benching pcmark for ages and asking james for his secrets, but this is just rediculas.
  11. Yeah seriously guys WTF, what are you guys trying to do ??? next you will say lets ban all reg tweaks for super pi, FFS people software tweaking for efficiency is half of what we do. Yes wankers cheat but they do it in everybench, now lets get this right EVERY BENCH can be cheated, that is no reason to ban them from the bot, is it just people with the inablilty and time to work out how to bench good that want this to turn to who has the best hardware wins game ??? You guys have no idea how long some people work on software tweaking and keeping within the rules, hell with your mentality things like the 580, 01 tweak would not be allowed to be used, FFS people put the time in and learn.
  12. back up 1 so theres more, please make a vid i wanna see this magic
  13. So you still got this cpu HIWA ? very nice score i remeber it well
  14. definatly not my offer is serious 1k U.S for a Benchable 5.8+ SB
  15. wow looking at the binning some of you guys have done ill just offer 1000+ U.S for a 5.8+ 2600k would save me a hell fo alot time binning them lol
  16. thanks guys, no mods needed just firmware flash.
  17. Deanzo smashing the scores mate well done , GEM cpu you got there
  18. LOD 5000 works awesome on SPI32 new WR 5m.001
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