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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Bullshit christian , ask der8aur it closed exactly as i put my post up. me and der8aur were watching it tick down to 0 then it said closed.
  2. Lol we just wrote the book on sand bagging
  3. Competition closed at 2200 on the 29/6/2012 your submissions were not posted until the 30th, And your post about getting a new CPU to mess up the rankings was after the competition was closed
  4. Christian this is bullshit, I watched this competition down to the last 5 minutes your submissions were not in. I had backups I could have dropped for wprimes to keep me in third. Your a moderator and if your engine is faulty that is not my problem. Once the competition was over your submissions were not in competition engine. Please fix this crap.
  5. how is this tool not banned from the bot yet ????
  6. haha, maybe splmann will swap you boards
  7. Yeah i seen my points affected the ranking a bit ...lol
  8. Sweet - sitting here with backups to get 3rd place, I want that ud4 with ps/2
  9. How do you mean Billy ? People buying cards from emea participants to enter MOA APAC???
  10. damm Mad I think you have to inherit Nicky's nick name - PIMP HAND
  11. NA bro, cbf with air JJJJuNK - freeze it and find out how they really perform is my test. the other 2 chips turned out to b another 6.65 and a 6.55 now i just need some new boards they all keep dieing hahahaha
  12. 4 x 3218b460 1 6.85 2 6.65 3 untested 4 untested
  13. yo yo what up my dawgs. ......... lol album out soon FESTIFY OC SRAT with gold tracks such as WTF 16X COLD BOOT BUG FISH FOOD SS 4 SALE SHEEPEEYOU JJ-JUNK FISTERED FESTER HEAVEN MOLESTER FEEL MY FESTICLES and gold nominated UD3H A SLUT U CAN RAPE
  14. i know the judge. biggest tool ever.
  15. nice run gyrock, always pushing it. i wish i had time for benching but work is driving me crazy no time for benching
  16. why was a wrapper even need for am3. we didnt have any issues with cheaters apart from u know who
  17. whats wrong sam its missing celion dion sound track lol. i just use a 9v battery to kill chips much easier. just put wires from positive and negative then drag the wires over the back of cpu and instant death lol.
  18. this is very worrying , how are you hacking this, the default res on performance is meant to be 720p, yours is at 1024/1280. Please show what you did to modify this.
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