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Everything posted by steponz

  1. The problem with this is in 64 bit windows GPUz will not read the proper speed. So then 32 bit windows would have to be a requirement.
  2. Looks like it will release tomorrow.
  3. Q3FE on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Intel-Core-i7-980X-EE-ES-Gulftown-FREE-SHIPPING-NEW_W0QQitemZ130372499250QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCPUs?hash=item1e5ace7732
  4. The funny thing as I have had 4 reference cards before this one.. and they all clocked over 1000 on air... so... Kind of bummed.. It might be because of the cooling though.. not sure it can actually handle much more of oc in stock form.... I was able to oc memory without a hitch.. which was nice...
  5. So far I can't get 1000 on core on air.. Hope LN2 is better..
  6. Default bios that came on the card, Afterburner 1.5 Just spoke to MSI and it's an issue with the bios, should be fixed with the next release of Afterburner 1.5.1 which should be out real soon.
  7. I know this must be some type of debate, but why don't we have seperate classes organized by CPU? Globals will still be globals.. but graphics by card and cpu.. ?????
  8. Then you have some pissed off people who got the there gem chips the hard way... There are ways to get these chips.. ebay is one of them..
  9. Just unpacked it and no lock overclocking this beast... Tried a couple different versions of afterburner with no luck..... You can change the clocks, but when using the multi-meter.. no change... Is there a special version out there?? because the public one doesn't work.. Maybe a driver issue? step
  10. ................................
  11. Slick Rick... I just wanted the P55 anyway...lol
  12. THis is not a valid screenshot and should be denied. There are plenty of examples already posted.
  13. Looks like a gold qpfe... I have one waiting.. just need a darn board... only 1156 for now til I get one of my boards back.. then it is on...
  14. Wheres the shot of the machine? It is a requirement...
  15. Ok cool, thanks for the reply mass. These cards are definitely making an impact.. Need to get me one of those... This time I will take better screenshots of my 3d benches...lol
  16. I thought these cards were not supposed to be used for points? I see some of the top guys are using the Gigabyte 5870 Superclock and the MSI Lightning 5870. WHy are these ok? I thought the decision was that these won't count until they are released. Are they released and I just don't know how to buy one? If you know where to get one PM me. Thanks, steponz
  17. Nice... you took my record... Im comig after ya...lol.. got my board coming back on friday...
  18. FInally getting my Classy back. so I am back in the game...
  19. Sweet.. and single channel... very cool
  20. Looks like it was beat... still nice cpuz.. wish my board didn't crap.. out... I would be challenging ya....
  21. There are actually two posts with the same cpuz validation.. this one and another.. if you look at this score it actually says 2nd for Core I7 920, not sure if this opened up some type of bug.. but there was two.. before.. but it looks as if the other one is still getting hwpoints.. which it should not.
  22. YOur other post is still receiving Hardware points......With the same CPuz verification as this one.
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