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Everything posted by aussie-revhead

  1. Did the Impact sell ?
  2. Thanks guys, I have replied to all of you asking for prices and further testing on some. Keep them coming. :nana:
  3. Guys, I have seen a guy claiming his unmodified 1080 (water cooled with stock bios) can pass fire strike at 2302 mhz .... has anyone seen other gpus clocking this high? His gpu score is 8600 so its up where it should be for those clocks. What do you think?
  4. Guys, I am looking for a good 5960x for benching on water, if anyone has one for me please pm details. Ideally I would like one that can bench at or close to 5ghz and hopefully run 4500 at low volts too (hopefully these will go hand in hand). I expect screenshots or other proof of any claimed clocks. LN results will be no use to me, I need ambient results. Seller must be willing to post to Australia. Cheers :nana:
  5. Sorry mate, both 1080s have been sold, holding off for now for 1080Ti. If I do get a 1080 again I will post up. Thanks
  6. Australia has 240v ..... does it fit socket 2011? Shipping will kill the cost anyway.
  7. Very helpful, thanks ....
  8. Hi, I have been a member for over 3 months and still cant see the sale forums, what do I need to do to see them?



  9. I would be happy with that.
  10. Guys, I have a 5960x on water and I want to work on its efficiency (to boost my 3D physics) so I have some B-die coming for it. What mem clocks and timings should I be aiming for? If I can only do 3200 or so then can I run tight with less volts? What is a safe vdimm for daily use? Is this a good target for me or tighter? What about at 1.5v or so? Thanks
  11. Guys, I have a 5960x and have some B-die coming, I want to work on my efficiency so this seems like a great thread to compare. Problem is I am on water, do you guys use LN even for low clock challenge just to get timings super tight? Is there a thread like this for ambient cooling only? Thanks
  12. How long left now? :banana: :banana: :banana:
  13. Jeez I havent run this in ages, how does it run on w10? Or do I need a w7 bench drive?
  14. Thanks mate, no worries, I will wait my turn. I was referred to this forum by a good mate, so I'm happy to be here anyway. :nana:
  15. I get an error saying I do not have privileges or am editing someone elses post ... I cant see anything in the marketplace. Can anyone tell me why?
  16. Guys do we have a list of bios settings in the various bioses? Power limit and vpgu mostly. Are there any bioses that have higher than stock vgpu and are compatible with my SC? Even 1.15v? Thanks
  17. It was mentioned earlier in this thread ... never mind, it was around post 44, mantacore was asking about another bios (also for Strix)...
  18. Guys, I want to bump the volts on my (soon to be) water cooled GTX 1080 SC, if anyone has a good bios, or can link me then please post up. I will be happy to share my results. Cheers. :nana:
  19. Sorry, I didn't realise its Asus only. Anyone know if the mantacore bios will work in my evga SC ? It should as its running an FE bios now and is FE based right?
  20. Hi guys, I just migrated over from xs, what is the best bios to use on my 1080 sc (with water cooling)? I would prefer not to use a fixed voltage bios but will use one for benching and see how temps go. (sli issue sorted but thermal throttling badly) Thanks
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