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About bartman1973

  • Birthday 07/19/1973


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  • Interests
    Overclocking, Gaming


  • Occupation
    Product Development Engineer

bartman1973's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am having this issue when trying to submit my score ==> Invalid data file: Data file does not contain an XTU Profile authentication.
  2. My idle here in the Philippines with watercooling is 36C already I will be joining in the Air/Liquid category. Need to buy a good GPU because of this contest
  3. Haha submitted a couple of scores as well before may 15 ...lets just hope and see what happens next hmm maybe they can retain people who have scores before may 15 and redraw those entries who won but submitted after may 15 ....
  4. Wow lucky me CM keyboard and mouse
  5. yahooo finally i won something in a competition with the help of lucky draw Massman yeah I think maxxx suggestion is pretty cool ...same spec/level of hardware and same cooling( air, water, ln2 ) ...we can still do another round of fanboy contest ( 3570k vs fx 8350 )
  6. hmmm i finshed the bench and have a screenshot , when I am trying to upload the htm file it says invalid data or something like the benchmark did not complete? anything I need to change in the default window of this heave benchmark?
  7. I have tried 1.74 for GD55 and seems working for me .. but the thing is I set the voltage @ 1.522 only in BIOS but cpuz reads 1.555 ...too much droop
  8. My test No tweaks or not even a defrag just installed and test. Also note that I did not go beyong 1.52 vcore in the BIOS since I just borrowed this sandy from a friend. Dang no sandy yet here in the Philippines !!!! Super Pi 1M Test Super Pi 32M test 3D Mark 06 3D Mark Vantage Cinebench 11.5 Trying it out at below 5.1ghz to compare with x58's and i think sandy beat tyles in below 5.1ghz even with lousy ram timings .... Correct me if im wrong ...x58's are actually higher than 7mins in 5.1Ghz Is the Bios stable especially when disabling cores? 4 cores HT off 2 cores HT off
  9. probably not the best result but still wanted to share it
  10. hmmm ignore my previous post ... re-flashed the UD& and now benching at 5.15ghz again
  11. UD5 BIOS rocks bigtime but ud7 not as expected ...can boot at 48 multi but even if I adjust the bclk by 101 ...windows will lockup already ...new bios for ud7 please
  12. I love this thread ...the retail cpu that cant previously pass 4.9ghz can now do 5.15Ghz with just 1.464v on core !
  13. what i mean is I CANT do that with my 920 C0 stepping ...sorry
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