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Everything posted by George_o/c

  1. Oh i haven't tried it on win7, so I don't know if it works 100%. Have you tried running it as administrator? I've only tested this app on XP.
  2. You need to set one core affinity when grammar is loading and then re-set affinity to all cores when the next test is loading I made this video back in December with my old-dog 2005 camera. I should use camtasia studio next time and upload a better quality video!
  3. Yeah you always have to do that in 3DMark01 if you want to max out every single subtest. Also aim for the good run in Car High and Car Low, try different subtest order, different LODs for each test etc etc I will try soon with better CPU and same clocks on the VGA! Then it's time for the card @ SS at -40*C But yeah I will always remember this 100k run, I think it's very efficient for the clocks, especially since the card doesn't have voltage mods
  4. Why having to make the score into seconds so that to post it Pieter? Why did you change the old 32M submission system, I think it was much simpler!
  5. I see you worked out your memory problems with the proper mods
  6. Great job on that 341 Christian!
  7. I thought you hated Pi Vince What about some 32M action heh?
  8. You got about 2MHz bclk from air to SS right? Yeap that seems about normal
  9. Heh you gotta love this benchmark You need to tune that XP Startup better George, 160 is unacceptable!
  10. Well done George! I know there's more in that setup, push it to the limits!
  11. Make sure you do that I have exams now so I cant push more, but I'll try again after the 25th. I'll try Hypers as well and see if I have any luck
  12. Yeap but I've tried everything and still can't run tRCD 9. I've tried Beta BIOSes, I've tried to much I/O (VTT) voltage, subtimings tweaking, everything! Maybe it's my RAMs, who knows?
  13. Hey Scunny, did you have problems running tRCD 9 with this board?
  14. Also splman's score is on 1866 divider. http://hwbot.org/submission/2176708_splmann_2_superpi_32m_core_i7_2600k_5min_59sec_922ms 1866 (1:7) divider
  15. Why nobody reads the rules? http://hwbot.org/submission/2176871_tol0108_superpi_32m_core_i5_2500k_6min_34sec_510ms 2133 (1:8) divider
  16. Dude you are running at 2133MHz divider... It's stated in the rules only to use the 1066MHz (1:4) divider!
  17. Nice one mate! I will try later, so far my max is 106.5 on air. Unfortunately I don't have my SS here
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