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Everything posted by George_o/c

  1. Awesome news! Already told you, I think it's a great feature
  2. Christian you are fing krazeh Please don't do the same with my BH5 //EDIT: I also posted it on hwbox - http://www.hwbox.gr/liquid-cooling/11980-watercooling-you-doing-wrong.html I'm making you famous dude.
  3. I sincerely hope it does NOT happen
  4. You QPI-p*ssy, you are bluffing
  5. Sometimes people are born this way, you can't do anything about it. Respect their problems.
  6. Keep us updated on your hardware death statistics, will ya? Enjoy!
  7. Damn I actually thought you had an early preview in your hands
  8. I'm not convinced. Who do you think you are? Overlord of overclocking?
  9. We need the correct ones Is the card really on LN2? I'd like to see that, must be beautiful!
  10. Go Anestis, go! Well done my friend And look at that, the awesome GPU Pot of Philipas is back
  11. Wow that UD3R is definitely a winner! What's the MSRP on it Dinos?
  12. It's funny because before we get in the MOA arena, we were hanging out with Monstru and Matose. Monstru grabbed phil's pot and acted like he was holding a baseball bat, hitting stuff. So funny, I wish I could take a picture of it
  13. The pot is the one we used at MSI MOA 2011 EMEA Finals It's as simple as it gets, massive copper does the job quite well my friend. Much like the old dog Tek-9 1st revision that hipro is still using Here are pictures of phil's pot, taking from this thread http://www.hwbox.gr/news-h-o-t-hwbot-overclocking/11929-msi-moa-2011-report-hwbox-gr-stin-deiteri-thesi-paneiropaika.html Pics: http://www.hwbox.gr/images/imagehosting/4614db9e025a1d87.jpg http://www.hwbox.gr/images/imagehosting/4614db9e025d9430.jpg http://www.hwbox.gr/images/imagehosting/4614db9f04f72207.jpg
  14. Is this the highest GTX 580 Frequency @ Unigine so far? I think it is! Well done Anestis!
  15. Is this the highest GTX 580 Frequency @ Unigine so far? I think it is! Well done Anestis!
  16. Just finished my Greek report on MSI MOA 2011. 270 photos, 13 videos (http://www.hwbox.gr/149765-post8.html) and lots of text. Text's in Greek, but photos do not need translation, they speak for themselves http://www.hwbox.gr/news-h-o-t-hwbot-overclocking/11929-msi-moa-2011-report-hwbox-gr-stin-deiteri-thesi-paneiropaika.html
  17. Awesome run James, well done mate! I hear that four Greeks are about to give PCMark05 another go soon
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