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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. There's a bunch of more basic ones on OCN, not been updated for about a year tho. http://www.overclock.net/overclock-net-hwbot-team/772955-hwbot-explained.html http://www.overclock.net/benchmarking-software-discussion/826902-benchmarking-essentials.html
  2. I really wanted to see another FU interview with you and troufman
  3. Nice one Ben, someone's playing! You done any 3D yet massman?
  4. Not really but glad it was taken in good humor. Now for rev 4.2...
  5. I was half expecting a ban and a redirect to this picture when I tweeted that lol. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y38/K404/DSCF0144-4.jpg
  6. It's the super secret winders 7 performance mode tweak. Boobs are like bags of sand
  7. Now for DFI That actually looks nice...
  8. Oooh that looks tasty. Overclock.net's Marksman 90mm prototype here http://www.overclock.net/dry-ice-liquid-nitrogen/1035211-phenom-ii-980-570-bes-ln2.html Final rev2 pots are ready to go very soon They've tweaked the base amongst other things.
  9. If that Baby cries anyway near as much as you do you're in trouble. Kthnxbai
  10. Any way you can make it so you can see more than just ref clock on a particular mainboard like it used to be?
  11. Cheers dude. Same issue with ucbench tho.
  12. There is no place to upload heaven files or enter score...
  13. Holy hell! Great job. This a new chip or your old one?
  14. This your daily OS? Seen some other subs littered with desktop icons too lol
  15. Giga UD4H F5a
  16. It's quite a fun platform to tweak and play with, you will like it Going to have to see if these new dimms are up to the task. One question tho, are unlocked/es parts allowed? Have a feeling locked parts are going to be at a disadvantage.
  17. Way to fuck up a perfectly good benchmark and an entire database of scores. Anyone want an acard?
  18. Running things like powertoy for pcmark, imo, is like turning up to a marathon with roller-blades on and saying you've optimized your shoes. You don't have faster legs.... it's not the way it's meant to be run. Allowing it just because you can't moderate it would be ridonkulous and would completely invalidate the current database.
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