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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. The 220 limit makes it like a game and adds another layer of complexity as pro said. Why change something that is going to even further invalidate old scores that people have sweated over for hours? We don't need that... Not to mention it makes it even more inaccessible to people that don't fancy dropping a bomb on raid and a-cards.
  2. It doesn't need new rules, it needs the current rules to be enforced. I've reported numerous submissions from the same few people for cheating this bench, the users are still active and still doing it openly. No fear of "being removed instantly". You need to punish the people cheating rather than the people playing fairly or this is going to be a reoccurring problem, not just pcmark.
  3. My VERY limited resources I had to borrow the phillips head one from kenny as you can see.
  4. It does work well in competition. We are trying something similar to this in the OCN competitions atm. It's made up of laps (rounds) that last from 2 to 7 days and there are points for each lap, The randomness of the lap times and the fact points are awarded from the get go rather than just the end almost completely eliminates sandbagging/backups. Problems being it's harder for people to understand ( Hwbot definitely doesn't need to get more complicated )and a lower amount of participants since people see a higher level of competition at the start and don't want to bother. Which isn't always such a bad thing as it seems to end up much closer at the end with all chips on the table and better scores all round. Makes it more of a race than a chess game. Don't think it could be tailored to the hwbot rankings without becoming inconvenient. Sandbagging is part of the game, just not a fun part.
  5. Ahhhhh shit, not good news. Keep us updatede when you can. Hold onto that soap tight guys.
  6. So nobody going to spill the beans on how to get grammar test to run multithreaded?
  7. Vince... It's no good. You are going to have to make a record with single cpu to prove the point
  8. “If you make an ass out of yourself, there will always be someone to ride you” ~Bruce Lee
  9. #2 Is the only one that makes sense to me, if all globals for a particular bench can contribute to your personal rankings then it should be the same from a team standpoint, if one person is a pcmark specialist and that's all they want to bench then let them. I think that was a step forward in rev4, if you/your team dominates a benchmark you should get full points. #3 is basically what we wanted to avoid and #1 puts even more weight on that one person. I definitely don't think the way to solve a problem with an overcomplicated system is to make it more complicated with option 3.
  10. Nice one, can we get a breakdown on each set of points and how they are effected by rev4? This is all very confusing.
  11. No input on this from staff?
  12. Lets see if some assus style marketing can persuade him.
  13. How many users in each month? Interesting
  14. Most popular submissions picture on the side is not working. Descriptions when submitting seems to also not work. And where's the edit button?
  15. Sure i wrote a description on this sub, must not of been working. Can't find edit button either so I'll just leave this here. Anyway, benchtec LN2 meeting and the overclock.net pot It's rather large.
  16. Only reason anyone benches Heaven is because points are awarded for it. It's crap. How does using an SR2 give an advantage when the bench only utilizes 6 threads?
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