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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. Brilliant thread, thanks for sharing all
  2. Nice idea but doesn't stop sandbagging in those rounds? I like this Idea also. We tried to kind of copy Nascar scoring for this "Race season" on ocn http://www.overclock.net/t/1016742/formula-jiggawatts-race-season-june-august Points for first to submit, points for fastest in the first 48 hours, points per lap till the end of the month. Worked well for killing sandbagging and kept things interesting for the 3 months. That and the qualifiers massman proposed would be awesome.
  3. Well done on top 3 Gamer Is there anyway to view team stats like there was on rev3 at the bottom of the teams league page? most active, most points etc etc.
  4. Trying to hit 219.9 is part of the fun
  5. The only option left is to remove Christian.
  6. Not atall. All old scores already got made irrelevant when the encoding "tweaks" were allowed. Now again and even more so with ramdisks?
  7. Still on the jiggawatts OS? lol nice find man
  8. Didn't even have a chance to get out my bag of sand
  9. lol didn't take that long did I? Lesson has been learned... less beers more gigahurtz Cheers
  10. Matose for Chewey, K404 for leia and Massman as Vader Christian can be an ewok. *runs and hides*
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