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Everything posted by joe90br

  1. No Titan....Superpi 32M, Unigine Heaven and Aquamark....
  2. I assume all risks ...
  3. Very cheap.....send to Brazil... :)
  4. After a long time returning to active .... An extreme overclocking session at my house!!! Many issues with Maximus V Gene... but 3770k IMC is very good!!! I did get to arrive at 1571.1Mhz .......... 3770K at 6254 and 7970 Lightning at 1500..... Sorry for my bad english...
  5. Thanks....I think that need ln2 to arrive up 1600 or more...
  6. I like it!!!! Avexir memory!!!!
  7. 2X4GB now!!!!!! Avexir!!!!!!!!
  8. Thanks to Avexir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks to Avexir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  10. BGS(Brazil Game Show) 2012 - HyperX Brasil - Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600C8...2820C12...Thanks to Kingston, Gigabyte and Raul SDT........
  11. BGS 2012, Brazil..Thanks Gigabyte and Kingston!!!!!
  12. Hi, I have a doubt. Why is my submission SuperPI 32M with "0" points?? Thanks...
  13. "I can't as to prove if I am right or wrong with my results. I don't have screens, validation links, etc,." I'm waiting yours decisions.
  14. The first screen with same result was a grave error, I confused. The result with 3d mark 2006 was one big error, the punish for this is right. Ronaldo(Rbuass) or any other person never sharing results with me. I can't as to prove if I am right or wrong with my results. I don't have screens, validation links, etc, but I can explain anythings. - Green lines in screen: I have many similar screens with green lines: ex.: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2197754_joe90br_wprime_32m_core_i7_2600k_4sec_327ms http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2206804_joe90br_superpi_core_i7_2600k_6sec_578ms - similar cpu in results: No, I have a good cpu too ex.: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2202958_joe90br_cpu_frequency_core_i7_2600k_5641.63_mhz I had many "q3qp", these results was made myself. - similar memory kit: No, Ihave a good kit too ex.: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2197977_joe90br_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1146.2_mhz I know to use LN2 and I have knowledge to obtain these results! I will aceept the Hwbot staff decision. I never cheated to have my scores. Apologize for any problem that i have caused. Sorry for my bad English. Joe90br(Jaime Luiz)
  15. The difference in long time between the posts. It would not post a similar result, because it would harm my team. In a way, i must have me confused at the time of posting the result and i grab an image of an article that was writing about overclocking. I have um domain in my name: http://www.overmonthly.com, but due to lack of time, i have abandoned the project. I apologize to the whole community by my grave error and if the moderation think needed a punishment I will accept without any complaint. Sorry for my bad English. Joe90br(Jaime Luiz)
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