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Everything posted by ChanceCoats123

  1. Good evening everyone, I just had a nice session working on some 3x CPU scores, but when I submitted this HWbot Prime score, it defaulted to 2x for the CPU count instead of the actually active 3. I've provided my own SS in combination with the submission via the file. Both show that 3 cores are active, I'd just like to make sure it's switched to the correct category. I looked around, but I guess you can't report your own submissions. Thanks in advance! Edit: Here is the submission in question: http://hwbot.org/submission/2944898_
  2. Not a bad chip, Joe! Batch number? And how does she do for 2D?
  3. Odd... When I click on the M6E thumbs, the imageshack site opens, but the full size picture never loads. Edit: Got it figured out. I'm not used to that host.
  4. Picked up an L307B156 yesterday. I wanted to try some of the later silicon (L315 and higher), but it seemed like my local Microcenter hasn't sold enough chips to get a new shipment. Everything there that I saw was L307.
  5. Does anyone have L315B and newer chips? I'm wondering if the silicon is getting any better.
  6. Are you sure that the blind flash isn't working? I'm not sure how the bios file has to be formatted, but when I used the blind flash on my M5G, the bios file had to be formatted as "M5G.cap" So if I am following the proper format, you may need to name the bios file as "M6H.cap" to get a proper flash. If there is any bios corruption, a blind flash should fix the issue. When you press the button to start the blind flash, there should be lights which blink to show the start. If this doesn't help, try asking shammy over at KPC forums (kingpincooling.com/forums).
  7. The ROG boards have been in and out of stock on Newegg (and other online retailers) for the past few days. The supply is definitely low because each time they come back in stock, within 24H they are OOS.
  8. No trace in the US either. That's the board I'm waiting for. If it's anything like the Z77-OCF, then it will be the best bang/buck overclocker for the Z87 lineup. I also hope there are no Windows drivers to use the onboard OC buttons.
  9. What batch, Coolhand? The L310's seem to have some pretty decent clockers. Maybe Haswell won't be a flop after all.
  10. So basically, the better the uncore --> the better the chip? Or do you think the correlation is the opposite (better chip --> better uncore)?
  11. Hokiealumnus at OCF also confirmed that the ES chips could set voltages over 2v. The retails got locked farther down, but the screen shot from a month or so ago was actually reading correctly at 2.5v.
  12. Really? I had heard they were a bit more resilient than Ivy.
  13. Thanks! I'm running now and just beat that score too!
  14. Thanks Pat! It turned out to be a decent chip after all.
  15. If you can find 3218 or 3231B, go for it. I haven't been following this thread too closely, but those are the batches of the best chips I have seen on here.
  16. Little update for this chip. I wasn't able to MAX the chip due to some motherboard issues, but I did validate at ~6700 and was able to run 1M ~6600. With more time, I see 6750+ valid and 6600+ 1M/Pifast. Not nearly as bad as I expected after seeing 1.35v for 5ghz. It seems not ALL 3224XXXX are that bad. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2699205
  17. The chip kept scaling. :shrug: It was my first time cold on IB so I was unaware of any voltage limits. I benched for 5-6 hours at 1.75v+ and the chip is in my daily machine right now. I hope to get the chip under Ln2 at some point in the near future just to see how it does. I'd like to see 6600 or so, but excuse my naivety.
  18. Doesn't clock too well on air: 5ghz @ 1.35v 2400 on the ram (not max), but ran to 6100 4c/8t and 6160 2c/2t on DIce. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2633370 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2633306
  19. 2600k Batch # L045B386 Max Multi = 54x Max Speed = ~5445 (4c/8t, fully benchable) http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn119/ChanceCoats123/080911161923.jpg
  20. Search is not working at all for me. Not only can I not type in the whole phrase (it gives an error), but now I can't even click the correct phrase. It still gives me the same error. Using Opera 11.50.
  21. I don't know why anyone else still tries. :thumbs up:
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