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Everything posted by Fasttrack

  1. Get in line bro. Queue please...
  2. Welcome mate. BEST DECISION !!! BTW, love the picture with the egg. haha Cool.
  3. Makes me wonder. Besides Hilderman, who expressed in a simple, yet crystal clear way, his thoughts, NO ONE, none from the top ten enthusiast players has come forward to defend their league ( and the way of cooling ). Strange. " Diamonds and Pearls " exist in the enthusiast league ( submissions wise ). A 6950X, ten core cpu, running at 4.6ghz, XTU ( yes XTU ), on ambient water, at 1.55Volts ( yes, 1.55Volts ). When I simply questioned the fellow member ( no report from my side ), how is this possible, he linked me to a video on YouTube, showing a vague Closed Box PC, under a TV set, in the house, with 25 ambient, and a run on the monitor of XTU. Asked him how can this be possible and got this answer : " You still have a lot to learn buddy ". Cool. Lets carry on. Still 1985 pages of posts to go, before reaching the inevitable dead end.
  4. It is a very positive ( sad though ) post, that reflects 110% the anomalies of the Enthusiast league.
  5. Hey mate, I am trying bud, not so easy at 59. Lol Best, George
  6. Hi Nick, long time no see George Kokovinis. ( Fasttrack - new account ). Is this delidded ? Wish to carry on with PM ? George
  7. Thank you Michael for this down to earth approach. An extremely valuable opinion, to which ALL must give extra weight. Based on this approach, only one thing remains to be done. Reshuffle the deck. We can't do that. The owners/administrators of this site, must sit down and think how to reconstruct the leagues, in order to avoid any further " misunderstandings ".
  8. Friends, I trust Scotty. Why ? For a zillion reasons. We ( almost all of us ), say the same thing with small deviations. The enthusiast league must go down. End. Stopped. The word " ambient " is, by nature, so vague, that the rules imposed in the enthusiast league, are ( and can be ), so bended, that someone either laughs or raises an eyebrow ( to say the least ). If what Scotty has been saying for years ( one league for Pros and one for the rest ), is not achievable, at least lets merge everything that has to do with water - AIO, water, custom water, chilled/cold and whatever else exists. Either if a chiller takes water to -30 or the Siberian nature, we will not have to wonder each time, who cheats and who does not. Just my 0.02c
  9. -20c in Siberia ( with open windows ) is ambient. +40 in Africa is ambient. Should we ask people living in Arctic regions to raise the temperature to +20 and the people living in extremely hot climates, to install an air-conditioning unit, right above the PC, to reduce temperature to +20 ? Kind of looking at the glass and wondering if it is half full or half empty. Too much anxiety for a non-solvable ( technically speaking ) issue. Even after 2000 posts in this thread, we will be at the same point - 0.
  10. " Watch and Learn ". I like that. Lessons for free. Carry on bud. Discussion not worth it.
  11. Mate, if you are pushing 1.50-1.52V under water on the 6950X, you are playing Russian roulette. I am pushing 1.35V at 4.5ghz, XTU stable, and 1.55V under dice at -75c, at 5.0ghz. Your cpu, your call. Risky things, very risky. 1.55-1.60V is the absolute max, LN2 users apply. Broadwell-e is Not Haswell-e in volt tolerance.
  12. 10 WR is the minimum expected from your expertise ( and chip of course )
  13. Good work. It is with chilled water of course, or chiller. There is no 6950X that can run 4.6ghz XTU on ambient water. And slow mode of course. Can't survive P95 at 96 without shutting down. Whatever, it is a very good score
  14. Fixed myself Here is how : Open the ( reported ) tab. You will see a message that there no reported submissions and a string of meaningless ( to me ) words. Tab "seems" empty. Scroll down - down and more down. At some point, there must be one or more submissions that were never reported, but simply did not go thru, due to some technical bug. Delete them. Here you are without a reported tab. Cheers
  15. Hmm, was waiting for the ninth WR. SPI32m should be that. And HWBOT prime. Great score nevertheless !!! GJ bro.
  16. Eight ( 8 ) world records and counting...Congrats bro
  17. This phrase wisely sums up the whole discussion ( and many other similar discussions ). The same reason that led me to move to Apprentice League ( God I hate that name ). Kudos to you sir
  18. Thanks bud. Missed some good old friends. NICE TO SEE YOU MAN ! Keep pushing P.S. Wonderful setups you got there bro. Enjoy in good health
  19. Never said that. Go back elkim a year or two and you will find a real fight from myself against cheaters, yes cheaters, who bend the rules to the point of breaking them. Did not succeed a thing. Christian Ney, helped me out as much as he could. His position : There will always be loopholes, if a cheater wants to cheat. I totally agree that the enthusiast league is the most toxic of all. I know first hand names - a lot, that stand in the first ten positions of the "enthusiast" league, that have confessed privately to me that they use rads in ice buckets and/or chillers. What should I do ? Become a snitch and start calling names ?
  20. In my country we have a saying : " Instead of hitting the stubborn donkey, we hit the saddle ". Apropos : I have known JPMboy for three years. We talked a couple of times in the distant past. I have to admit that I have no idea if the accusations have any grounds ( I doubt it ). He is one of the lowest profile members in here, has helped a lot of people including me with a Bios for my GTX980 card, and have never noticed him being provocative. Simply he is doing his business. I like him. Some of the above comments ^^^, are beyond the acceptable borderline. George
  21. Some of you may remember me from my old account ( George.kokovinis ). Two main reasons that I deleted that account : 1) High profile Elite members using servers that clearly do not belong to then but to the companies they work ( sponsored ) for 2) A total mess in the enthusiast division, where a real dogfighting from my side against all the "fog" surrounding the cooling methods, brought no results to the table. My friend Scotty ( Mr.Scott ), my captain in Warp9 back then, has summed up wisely all this mess : DONT BOTHER. There is absolutely no way to verify the thin lines between what is ambient and what not. NONE at all. As he wisely pointed out, it is down to conscience, which seems to be a stupidity, rather than a virtue, when benching ( especially for prizes ). I have personally lost 4 competitions against NVF2, because he was out of line, cheating like hell. 1.7Volts on chilled water ( or ambient - for Heaven's sake ). I do not dare to apply 1.7Volts under Dice at -75c. Did it once for SPI32m. Never again. People, it is really a waste of time to bother with such discussions. I will use, again, the wise words of Mr.Scott. Two categories : 1) Pros 2) All the rest. Pros ( by definition ) are in a class of their own. Sponsors, support, funds, LN2 of course and a lot more. All the rest. Use whatever cooling you want. You have to prove nothing to no one. Each cooling method has its physical limits. Air, water, chilled water, SS, Dice, cascade, LN2. The very restrictions of cooling by itself, will impose the desired limits. No reason to pretend, no reason to lie. Nothing will change in the general rankings. Only subdivisions will not have the pleasure to say " look, I am first in enthusiast ". Stay cool and enjoy benching, instead of trying to prove something different than the truth. Just my 0.02c
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